Chapter 281

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"Laur...your phone..." Tiara said a few hours later seeing it buzz while on vibrate.

"Oh..." she picked it up, still sitting by the pool unsure of who it was. She examined the number and suddenly jumped up. "Watch them for a second..." she said to no one in particular walking over to the patio to get in the shade. "Hey Kat..."

"Hey Lauren. I was just calling to see if you'd made a decision on the motion." Kat answered.

"Oh. That." she said looking out over to the family with Bruno in the pool pushing Ezra and another cousin around in the blow up float. Oh God. Why. She thought to herself.

"Laur?" Kat interupted.

"Oh. Yes. I think we need to rescind it." she answered a bit nervously.

"Lauren, there's still a few weeks. You don't need to decide right now. I just wanted to see what direction you were headed in." Kat answered.

"But you just called to ask if I wanted to rescind it...." Lauren questioned a bit confused.

"Your right I did." Kat half laughed. "I'm sorry. I really just wanted to check in."

"Well..." Lauren slid down against the outside wall clutching her stomach a little. "We haven't talk in a while have we?" she asked.

"Not in a few weeks....maybe early May...." Kat answered. "What's going on?"

"Since then I found out I'm pregnant...." she starterd.

"Oh my god! It's not Wes's baby is it?" Kat asked like a high school cheerleader.

"Oh God no. Oh my God. No." Lauren answered her matching the high pitched response. "It's Bruno's. For sure."

"Oh. Thank. God." Kat responded with a sigh of relief. "And I know that I shouldn't be getting all personal and all but don't make tha the reason why you're staying with him, Lauren."

"No. No. There's more, too." Lauren said with a pause almost choking up thinking about how she was going to say that Bernie had passed away. "His mom died."

"Wow." Kat answered.

"If he didn't need me before he needs me now." Lauren said changing her tone. "I can tell that he's going to lose it before we have to go back home."

"You're not even in LA?" Kat questioned.

"No. We flew out here like the second we found out she was sick." Lauren answered. "But that's not important. I can't leave him. It's not something that I can do anymore." Lauren answered. "When you get a chance you can rescind the motion."

"Are you for sure?" Kat asked.

"Yeah. I'm for sure." Lauren answered her lawyer. "I'm not leaving him."

"Do you want to wait a bit and wait for this to settle?" Kat asked still a bit concerned by Lauren's answer.

"No. What's today? Monday? And it's like almost 6?" Lauren questioned.

"Yeah. So it will go through tomorrow." Kat answered.

"Do it tomorrow, Kat. And then we can get together next week and finish it all up." Lauren answered seeing everyone walking toward her. We're going to go get dinner. Bruno mouthed to her. She nodded her head seeing him walking toward her handing his hand out for her. Thank you. She smiled. "I have to go. I will talk to you later. I will see you next week." she said hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Bruno asked. "You had your serious face on." he told her.

"My serious face?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah. You look like you're about to puke when you have your serious face on." he told her turning away knowing that she would get frustrated by what he said.

"I just might puke on you because of this baby." she told him pushing him playfully.

"Oh, please." he said hugging her from behind leading her into the house. "Don't do that. Aim it toward one of my sisters if you're going to do that." he said kissing her neck. "I love you." he whispered to her against her neck making her laugh and get weak in the knees at the same time.

After finishing dinner and saying good bye to everyone they went back to their hotel room. Lauren flopped onto the bed laying on her stomach stretching out. "I'm so tired." she moaned.

"Well, don't fall asleep yet." he told her sitting next to her. "You never told me who you were talking to earlier today."

"Do you want to look at my phone?" she asked defensively.

"No." he said a bit confused by her defensiveness. "You just looked worried when you were talking. Are you okay?" he asked taking her hand playing with the wedding ring he had placed back on her finger.

"It was Kat." she answered with a bit of hesitation. "She just wanted to know what I was thinking about all of the stuff."

"Oh." he said with the same hesitation. "You don't have to tell me." he said standing up trying to figure out what he was going to do.

"Bruno...." she said sitting up a little. "She's going to court tomorrow."

"She would have to...she's a lawyer..." he said sarcastically. "I just don't get it Laur. You came with me and said that you wouldn't leave. And you..."

"Bruno! Stop!" she almost yelled. "I didn't tell you why she was going. Oh my god. Let me fucking talk!" she yelled at him.

"Laur...the babies...." he said hearing a noise from the baby monitor.

She sat down at the small table that he was sitting at making him turn around to face her. "I told her to rescind the motion Bruno. I don't want to get a divorce.'

A small smile crept across Bruno's face as he looked up from the sadness that she could tell was building up from what he anticipated that she would say. "So we're not going to get a divorce?" he asked her.

"No, Bruno. We're not." she said to him looking up at him without any emotion.

"Are you okay, mama?" he asked her seeing her face almost turn white.

"Oh gross. Eww. I don't even know...maybe its' the people in the room next door but that food smells horrible." she said almost running to the bathroom.

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