Chapter 258

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runo went to his hotel room wanting to crawl into a hole and wait for everything to blow over. He knew it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. He knew that when he woke up the next morning to go do some radio shows that he was going to have to bring Brandon to tell them what they could and they could not talk about. He laid on his back trying to decide who he was going to call to figure everything out. He knew that Lauren would flip as much as he would so he scrolled to the best person he could think of, his mother. "Mooommmm...." he whined into the phone as it rang.

"Hello, Bruno." she answered the phone sweetly. "How is New York?"

"It's okay." he answered a bit flatly.

"Bruno, is everything okay?" she asked him.

"I don;t know." he answered.

"What happened now?" she asked almost frustrated by his answer.

"Damaris is out of control. She came to abuela's house and brought cameras with her and then kissed me. And then everything ended up online. And the whole world hates me." he told her.

"Oh, Bruno. Are you serious?" she asked him.

"No. I made it up." he snapped walking to the mini fridge that he swore he would not break into seeing several small bottles of liquor.

"I will hang up the phone." Bernie told him.

"I called Elle and she's okay. She gets it. I'm sure so scared that everyone is going to find out how big of a fuck up I am and I just don't know what to do. I have interviews tomorrow and the tour starts so soon..." he rambled.

"You don't say anything, Bruno. It's no one's business and no one needs to know. You know that's what I've told you before. No one needs to know." she reiterated with him. "Take a deep breathe. You will be able to make it."

"But what if I don't? What if I mess everything up again? What if I get angry or something? I mean....." he started to feel himself shaking. "I just want Lauren to believe me. And to save what we have. I'm trying so hard, mom. I can't lose her."

"Bruno. Where are you?" she asked him.

"I'm at the hotel." he answered.

"And who is with you?" she asked.

"No one." he said.

"Then you're okay. Did you go to the gym today?" she wondered.

"Yeah...but before all this happened." he told her.

"Go for a run. Drink some warm milk and go to bed. Tomorrow will be another day." Bernie told him. "And call Lauren and tell her you love her."

"I will mom. I love you too. Have a good day." he told his mother.

"I love you too, Bruno." she said sweetly. "We'll be waiting for you."

"I know. I think we're going to come in September." he said. "I wanted to come right before the tour but the way things are working out we think that we can have some stadiums to practice in for like a week, maybe two weeks. We weren't able to do that before. Everyone says that it helps a lot with timing and everything."

"I know Bruno. I'll still be here. You're not hurting my feelings." she laughed at him. "I'm not going anywhere. We'll come to LA for your two shows. If not before."

"Okay. Mom...the twins are so big. And they both have their own personalities and Everlee is so mean. And Ezra puts up with it. It's the funniest thing ever." he said trying to forget about everything that was going on.

"That sounds a lot like you and your sisters. You would let them do anything to you. And then you just broke and smacked them." Bernie said trying not to laugh at Bruno. "You were such a cute kid. Ezra reminds me so much of you. And Evee is spunky like Tiara. She doesn't stand for anything. They're definitely yours, Brunito."

"I didn't realize that I missed them so much until they were with me for so long." he told his mother.

"So now you know how I feel about all of you being gone, huh?" she wondered.

"A little." he replied. "I know. I know. We're going to come and visit, mom. We will. I promise." he told her.

"I know you will, Bruno." she laughed loudly at him. "Go do something to take your mind off of everything."

"I will. I will call you tomorrow." he replied.

"Okay, Bruno. Have a good night. Love you."

"Love you too." he said ending the call holding a bottle of vodka in his hand. "Nope."

Instead of drinking the vodka he reached down to the floor to pick up his shoes. "I'll go for a run." he told himself. He got dressed in his work-out clothes and walked down to the hotel gym to see the area completely empty. He got onto a treadmill and started to run. He let his mind wander trying to forget about what had happened until his phone rang Lauren's ringtone. He paused the treadmill taking note of how far he had gone answering the phone. "Hey baby. Are you okay?" he asked looking at the time. "It's late..."

"I could say the same for you." she answered coughing a little. "I don't feel good. I just needed you to throw me a pity party."

"Oh. I'm sorry, mama." he said sweetly. "I don't know what I can do to help you..."

"Will you talk to me until I fall asleep?" she asked him.

"Sure." he answered turning off the treadmill taking a sip of water listening to her complain about how she was feeling. He listened to her talk about what happened at work and how the babies were and how she got them to go to sleep before she stopped talking to ask him how his show was.

"I just want to be home, Lauren." he told her. "I hate what is happening right now."

"Brunz. I read some of those things. We're going to make it. I believe in you." she reiterated. "I love you, Bruno. I know it's tough." she said sweetly to him. "Are you going to fall asleep?" she asked him hearing him put down the phone.

"Yeah. I might." he said to her not hearing a response. "Laur? How did you fall asleep that fast?" she asked her knowing he wasn't going to get an answer. He glanced at his clock to see that it was almost 3 in the morning and that he was going to have to be up in almost 3 hours. "Good night, baby. I love you."

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