Chapter 261

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Lauren turned her head hearing Ezra's faint cries to wake up two days later "I'm coming, Ez. Just hang on." She moaned turning off her alarm that was to go off not 15 minutes later. She went in the room smiling at him picking him up after saying hello to him and hugging him tightly. "Shh. Don't wake up your sister." She saw him smile and then grab her curly hair. "Ouch." She said to him setting him down near some toys so she could run to get some coffee. She grabbed the coffee sitting down next to her son playing with him for a few minutes. As she continued to play with him she heard Everlee start to whine the same way her brother had. "Stay there, Ezra. I have to get your sister. I'll be right back, okay?" she watched his eyes widen as she started to walk away from him. She heard him start to cry a little and then felt some little hands on her ankle. He had crawled behind her to get to her. "Oh my gosh, baby. You amaze me." She laughed picking him up as she neared Everlee. She saw Everlee's tearful eyes and her start to stand up to get to her mother. "Hang on Ev. I've got you." She responded moving Ezra over just enough so she could hold both 9 month old babies. "Eww. Mom doesn't feel good. Good thing your dad is coming to get you this morning..." she said to herself nearing the living room where she would eat a bagel and drink her coffee for a few minutes before feeding the babies quickly setting them in play pens near the bathroom door so she could take a shower while keeping an eye on them. :Okay.. bananas, cereal and a little oatmeal?" she asked the babies watching them look at her. Everlee raised her arms up asking her mother to pick her up. Lauren responded holding her daughter tightly as she put her in the high chair to eat breakfast. "Don't go anywhere." Lauren said to her daughter as Everlee started to cry. "Hang on, baby." She reassured her daughter picking Ezra up placing him next to Everlee. She watched them for a split second as Ezra reached over touching Everlee's hand laughing at her. "You two crack me up." Lauren said placing a handful of cereal on their trays watching them contemplate their breakfast. "Okay, fine. Be picky." She said placing banana baby chips and a few scoops of oatmeal to eat. "Now, get as messy as possible. Your dad is gonna have to clean up." She told them. She finished eating her breakfast finishing her coffee and then picking each of their messy bodies up sitting them in their play pens to play. She ran into her bedroom quickly grabbing some clothes for herself as she heard the door open.

"Lauren?" she heard Bruno's voice. She turned to see him wearing skinny jeans, a tank top and flip flops without a hat on. Damn. His hair. She thought to herself. Damn. My hair. She thought to grabbing it quickly. "You look fine." He smiled at her.

"Why are you here early? We said 8:30...not 7:45..." she said looking at the TV's clock. She was still trying to figure out exactly how she felt about what had happened.

"I thought it would help...then you can take your time..." he said sweetly touching her hand.

"You messed up the routine...babies have to be structured..." she said in the horrible tone he hated.

"Well, I'm sorry." He responded to her frustration ignoring the babies off to the side of him.

"Ugh. Whatever." She moaned. "Just wash them off. Their clothes are on the table. They're gonna have to be changed too. I can smell it."

"Eww...gross." Bruno smiled at his children as they started to laugh at him. "You have no idea...." He said picking Ezra up seeing the mess. "Wow...." He responded hearing the shower water turn on right as he picked up Everlee.

Lauren looked at herself in the mirror glancing at the pregnancy test that she had put off taking. "I guess if it's positive I can tell him now..." she said unwrapping it. She set it down on the counter after completing the test and got in the shower. She closed her eyes trying to forget that her asshole husband was in the living room with her children most likely telling them horrible things about her. She felt tears start to well up in her eyes as she rubbed her body full of honey dew body wash. Before she could start to cry, though, she felt herself get queasy and nauseous. She quickly turned off the water grabbing a towel to dry off just in time to throw up. As she lifted her head up she looked over to the side of the cabinet. "Positive..." she gasped after wiping off the little bit of sweat on her forehead.

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