Chapter 241

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She paused for a second trying to figure out exactly how she was going to react. Was she going to let him explain or was she going to storm out of the house like she always did? They looked at each other in complete shock waiting for the other to start talking. Bruno looked at her not moving an inch, incriminating himself even more. "I trusted you! I wanted to trust you again! I wanted this to work! I wanted it to be okay, Bruno! I really don't think you want it though. You don't want any of it. God, just seriously. Go fuck yourself. Or better yet why don't you go fuck her again. That's what you want!" she yelled at him hearing the dog come in the room to see what was wrong. He let out a loud bark standing in front of Lauren seeing that Bruno was going to stand up to get to her. As he stood up Geronimo growled at him, something he had never done before. She held onto Geronimo a bit shocked by his reaction. They stared at each other waiting for the other to answer. No words were coming from Bruno at all. He was at a loss for words. "It's like you want me to think that she texted you out of nowhere. I don't even know why I fall for your bullshit, Bruno! God." She threw his phone toward him, higher than he was making it hit the wall shattering into pieces along the back of the bed. She turned around with the dog following behind her. She ran to the front of the house near where she had dropped her purse when they arrived. Like all the times before she grabbed her purse digging for keys. "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!" she stomped. "God damnit!" she yelled again.

From the other side of the room she heard Bruno's faint voice. "Take my car. I'll have Ryan come and get it tomorrow." he said. She turned around in tears seeing him looking almost as emotional as he did when they saw each other the first time after she sent him the divorce papers. She looked into his eyes not seeing the same thing that she usually did. She didn't see a lying husband who was trying to cover up his story with sweetness and romance. She saw someone who was broken. She saw someone who needed her to listen to them. She sighed putting her purse down petting the dog just enough to calm him down. He laid down at her feet as they looked at each other confused by what just happened. "Will you tell me your side?" she asked him. "Please." she asked not moving from where she was. He stayed put as well looking at her through broken tears, the same tears that she had. "When was the last time you talked to her?"

"The day after you sent me the papers." he answered. "I said I couldn't do it. I needed to figure it out. To be by myself." he said sitting down at the kitchen table lowering his head.

"How did she know I was with you then?" Lauren asked an honest question going to sit next to him.

"You instagramed that we were together tonight...." he said to her. "Look at my shoes. He would never let me wear these before..." he repeated her caption.

"So there would have been no other way?" she wondered. "I mean unless she was like stalking your twitter mentions or something...." she thought about it for a second. "That sounds possible."

"I didn't respond did I?" he asked her.

"No." she said to him thinking about what might be next almost regretting the words that were going to come out of her mouth. "I think we're moving too fast again." she watched his head rise looking into her eyes.

"I think you're right, Laur." he answered reaching for her hand.

"We're just going to keep doing the same things." she told him.

"Get your purse. I'm going to take you home." he said looking at the purse.

"I think that's a good idea." she said standing up feeling him hug her from behind.

"I want to fix this, Lauren. You have to believe me." he said holding onto her as she reached for her purse.

"I know. We will. We'll fix it." she replied letting go of him to go to the car.

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