Chapter 282

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A few minutes later Bruno watched Lauren walk out of the bathroom with her hair up and glasses on. "Are you ready for bed?"he asked her.

She looked at him and rubbed her eyes. "I think so." she watched him hold his hand out for her and smiled.

"Well come on, mama. Let's go to sleep." he told her grabbing her to pull her down into the bed with him.

"Give me a little bit to get comfortable." she said moving around a few times to find the right spot finally turning off the light. "I'm so glad they sleep through the night." she said about the babies.

"I am too." he said kising the back of her head holding her like a spoon.

Lauren felt Bruno's arms wrapped around her tightly the way he did when he wasn't sleeping. Whenever he slept his arms stayed around her loosely squeezing her every few hours. This, though, was like he was focusing on her trying to hold onto her. "Bruno?" she asked a few minutes later.

"Yeah?" he answered without even a hesitation.

"Are you sleeping?" she asked him.

"I can't." he said in a normal conversational tone feeling her turn aroind in his arms.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked him seeing his sleepy red eyes. "You haven't slept since you've been here..."

"I just have so much to think about..." he answered her pouring out all the things that were bothering him. "And I don't know what to do about the tour. Do I keep going? Do I call everyone and say that we push it back or not do it at all?" he asked her.

"Do you want me to answer that?" she asked him seriously.

"Yeah. What should I do?" he asked.

"You're going to be even more miserable than you are now if you don't Bruno." she told him. "And I don't think your mom would want you to stop doing what you do just because she's not here. It's what she would have wanted...." Lauren answered him. "Do I want to be able to be there for you for the next few months every day to help you get through this? To help all of us get through this? Yes. But..."

"But Laur, you're going to be extra pregnant for the rest of the year. Like..." he started.

"You weren't going to cancel the tour just because I'm pregnant before. What makes you think that's okay now? You won't be the first or the last person to have a wife pregnant while they were working....I mean. Not even in your band, baby..." she referred to one of his bandmates. "He didn't ask to leave just because his wife was pregnant." she told him.

"But I see how hard it is for him..." Bruno said.

"What other things have we done, Bruno?" she asked him. "Like whatever stuff have you gone through? We're going to get through it...tough is kind of like what makes us..." she answered watching him crack a little bit of a smile.

"You're right." he said closing his eyes.

"Go to sleep, Bruno...." she told him standing up getting out of the bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked feeling her sit behind him.

"Lay on your back, Brunz." she said laying on his legs as he followed her directions.

"I'm getting you to fall asleep." she told him.

"Ugh. Laur." he moaned. "It's not going to help."

"Just hang in there. You do this to me all the time..." she told him rubbing his back lightly. "It's going to get better...." she leaned down to whisper to him.

"I hope so." he sniffed trying not to cry while his wife was unable to see his face. She knew exactly what he was feeling and that he was trying to cover up the tears that he had held back for the last two days. She felt herself trying to hold back her own tears while trying to calm him down. She felt his muscles slowly ease and his breathing deepen as she touched the back of his hair. He has to do something with that. She thought to herself suddenly hearing a high pitched cry. "Laurrreennn...Ezra is awake." he said through his sleep.

"I know, Bruno. I'll get him. Go back to sleep." she answered getting out of the bed to see her son standing against the railing of the crib waiting for his mother. She looked down at her son's tears seeing her husband in his eyes. She could see that Ezra was incredibly perceptive for a nine month old and knew that there was something going on that they hadn't experienced yet. "Oh Ez." she said starting to cry as she bounced him in her arms to get him to quiet down. "I just want to sleep..."

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