Chapter 266

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Lauren glanced over at her phone, which she had put on vibrate to make sure they didn't wake up the babies. She saw the bright green light unsure about what it was. She saw the blinking voicemail icon and Bruno's number at the top. Ugh. Just stop. She groaned throwing the phone to the side of the couch, She turned up the TV to an episode of the Mindy Project. She curled up on the couch reaching for a pillow and one of Everlee's blankets to cover her body with. When she reached over to cover her legs she got a whiff of Bruno's sweet smell that permiated throughout their home. It was a sweet smell that covered the smoke from his cigarettes and the sweet syrup from the breakfasts they would eat while the babies slept. No. No. No. You cannot want to listen to what he has to say. She thought as she picked up the cell phone to listen to his voicemail. "I don't want you to commmeeee..." she whined to no one. "I just want it all to! ennndddd. Just stoppppp." she groaned falling on the pillow dramatically flinging the phone on the floor.


"I'm going! I have a doctor's appointment. I'll be back tomorrow morning!" Lauren said in a high pitched perky voice walking out the door of her office. As she hit the elevator she suddenly felt very nauseous. She reached for her stomach with one hand and her stomach in another letting out a silent sigh. There is no way that I;m not pregnant.She thought to herself hearing a familiar hum standing next to her.

"Laur..." she heard Justin's voice next to her.

"Oh, hi." she said a bit shocked to hear his voice. They had distanced themselves from each other as their lives moved on to their own separate ways. After they both got married, she had the babies and he went on to start music again they really had nothing in common, aside from the job she got him. "I didn't know you were in town...."

"Just for a few days. Jess is working on something and I missed her." he said sweetly.

"Everything I saw from the wedding was perfect." she told him. "I don't think I could have done it better for the two of you."

"It was the best day." he said to her finally pressing the elevator button.

"I know exactly what you mean. We had the best day that day..even if I was fat and bitchy that day." her last statement made him burst out laughing. "What? I was. You know how horrible I was in the summer." she said leaning against the wall to hide how sick she felt. The elevator came to a stop at the bottom floor and Justin let her step out first.

"I hope you feel better, Elley Belly." he said with a smile turning the other direction as she was going.

"Justin?" she turned to ask him. "You and Cait are the only people that call me that."

"I know, Lauren." he laughed at her. "Have a good day."

"You too, Justin." she said hearing her phone ring picking it up. "I'll be there in like 25 minutes." she said not really caring who she was talking to.

"I'll be waiting for you, Boo." she heard Bruno's soft soothing voice in her ear. Oh fuck. Stop it. She sighed. "What?" he asked her.

"Okay. I'll be there in 25 minutes." she repeated.

"Are you okay, Lauren?" he asked her again.

"I just don't feel good. That's it, Bruno. I'll get over it." she told him.

"Be safe, Elle." he answered her.

"I will." she said. "Love you." she said without thinking throwing her phone on the passenger seat of her car.

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