Chapter 272

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Lauren flung her arms over to the otherside of the bed hitting Bruno's back. "Oh..sorry..." she whispered kissing the back of his neck throwing her arms over him to hold on to him for the last few hours she had until she had to get up for work. Somehow Bruno didn't move an inch throw her tug at his body to pull him closer. She remained half awake thinking about how she was so close to him and how no matter what happened on June 22nd she was not going to be able to hold onto him like this for much longer. Exactly a month from now she would be laying in either her bed or their bed, alone, stretched out without him anywhere near her. I really don't thnk that I can do this on my own. She thought to herself suddenly feeling her throat fill with something that was going to come out, not go down. She jumped out of the bed hearing the dog wake up and follow her into the bathroom where she quickly grabbed the glass of water to wash down the gagging feeling she had. She glanced over to the bedroom to see that Bruno had found his way to her side of the bed and that it was almost 6 in the morning, the time when she needed to get up. "Ugh. Fine. You win, baby. I'll get up." she said reaching for her brush to brush her hair and put it up into a braided bun. She turned on the water and reached for her tooth brush not closing the door knowing that Bruno was not going to wake up through her noise. After turning off the water Lauren turned to see Bruno's eyes half open trying to focus on what she was doing. She smiled at him and placed her things back in the small bag that she had brought with. She smiled at him walking toward him as he rolled over onto his back. She leaned down and kissed him lightly feeling him pull her on top of him. "Good morning." she whispered to him looking into his sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, beautiful." he said reaching his hand up to touch her face making her smile.

"I don't have to be at work until 10..." she told him.

"That's good because I don't have to be at rehersal until 9..." he answered touching her shoulders moving his head to her shoulders to kiss them. "You smell good." he said pulling her close to her flipping her over so he was on top of her.

'You do too." she said reaching up to his hair pulling a curl in the middle of his head smiling at him. "That curl drives me crazy..." she laughed at him feeling is lips against hers and the slightly musky morning breathe escaping his lips. It's not that bad. She thought to herself watching him push her hands up to the edge of the headboard pulling her cami off revealing her bare chest.

"Damn, boo, they're even better when it's light out..." he said slowly moving his fingers along her chest to her nipples playing with them just enough to make her sigh out of satisfaction. Ohhhh. She let out. "It feels good, doesn't it?" he asked her.

"You better hurry...." she let out breathlessly watching him lift up his t-shirt quickly. She watched him running her fingers along his arms then moving to the waist line of his pants. She ran her finger nails along his skin feeling him slowly begin to harden from her touch. She held onto it holding it lightly as he used his right hand to slip off her cotton shorts. His fingers grazed her skin above the hottest part of her body forgetting that it drove her crazy causing her to pull him out of shock. "Oh god...." she moaned feeling him almost fall on top of her as she pulled on him. "Oh...oh..I'm sorry." she said loosening her grip moving her hands back to the side of the bed wrapping her legs around the back of his knees giving him the message that it was okay for him to move inside her. He knew exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it. He kissed her forehead down to her nose and finally on her lips while he slowly moved inside her. She clutched the edge of the sheets feeling every inch of him move slowly inside her. She closed her eyes, not quite sure if she was tired or feeling satisfied by what he was doing. He watched her eye move and every muscle twitch watching her mouth open and a slight scream of satisfaction escape her lips. "Oh yeah, yeah, yeaahhhhh...." she got out.

"It's good, huh?" he asked with a smirk pushing even further inside her.

"Oh it feels so damn goodddd....." she responded to him. "Oh my word. Bruno. Oh god." he felt her hands start to shake as her arms reached for his back digging into his back and her legs clutch around his ass as he threw even more force into her wet pulsing and shaking body.

"Oh god, Lauren. What am I going to do when I'm gone?" he asked her. "What the hell am I going to do?" he asked again not hearing her response instead feeling quick gasps from her letting him know that he was really close to pushing her to her peak.

"Keep going, Bruno. I'm almost there. I'm almost..oh....." she moaned again feeling her whole body relax and her eyes open.

"Oh, baby....Oh god, Laur....oh Lauren...Lauren...Lauren..." she felt his peak inside her and watched him clench his jaw and close his eyes the same way that he did when he concentrated on the strings of his guitar in the middle of his live performances. She almost let out a laugh knowing that she was completely done with her part moaning into his ear to please him. "Damn, baby. You're always so good...." he said kissing her cheek.

"You're better than good...." she told him wiping off a little bit of sweat from his forehead. He stayed laying on her watching her face change from recovery to her morning face of being half awake and sleepy. "Get off me..." she pushed playfully. "I need to get dressed and get the babies to take them to daycare." she told him. "Jamie can't have them all day."

"Ugh. are such a pain sometimes." he said with a smile.

"No. You are." she said throwing a pillow at him.

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