Chapter 252

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They held onto each other for almost ten minutes not moving at all. They talked to each other and said how much they wanted it to go back to the way it was before, the way it was before the twins. They both knew that it never would, but they grasped at the memories of falling asleep in others arms after making love until the sun came up, sleeping until 11 in the morning, eat breakfast pizza s and mixing orange juice with champagne and laying in bed watching movies all day together. "Let's lay in bed together..." he smiled at her pulling away from her.

"Only if we get to eat in bed." she said holding onto his hands near his waist.

"Only if it's the cookie dough ice cream." he said lifting her up into a tight hug kissing her head.

"But I think we owe them a game of Uno..." she told him grabbing their drinks in one hand holding his with the other.

"So everything is okay?" Larissa asked.

"Yeah. I think we're going to make it." Bruno said squeezing Lauren's hand. She eyed the drinks in her hand going to the kitchen.

"Deal me in....I'm ready to take down the dynasty..." Lauren said triumphantly raising her hands to claim victory before the start of the Uno game.

By 1 in the morning the group had successfully played 5 rounds of Uno and had gone through a three bottles of soda. "If it was 2003 and we thought we would be this way we would laugh so hard...." Tahiti said throwing down her cards in defeat.

"I knowwww...." Presley whined eying Lauren.

"Pres? Can I asked you something?" Lauren asked setting down her pile of cards that Bruno had gifted to her on the last turn. She didn't wait for Presley to answer. "What do you think of all this? All the fighting and the divorce and everything?"

"I think you two should get a divorce. It fixed everything in our family before." she said picking up her soda.

"Presley. That was for them. I know that you were the baby and you saw everything. But we're not mom and dad and we're going to fix it."

"That's what they said." Presley said. "I just hate all of this. And maybe I'm acting like a baby. But I just want you two to get it over with. Rip the band aid off and move on. God!" she groaned standing up to walk away from the table. "I'm going to bed with the babies."

"Go let her cry in a corner." Tiara said sarcastically. "I'm going to bed too."

"I guess it's bedtime..." Bruno said watching the dog's ears perk up. "Go to bed G..." Bruno said watching the dog walk back to Bruno's bedroom.

"Okay, you two get all flirty and everything..." Tahiti said. "I have babies to go sleep with."

"Let's go to bed...." Lauren yawned stretching out to pick up the cards.

"Leave them there. You have tomorrow off. We'll clean it all up tomorrow..." Bruno said taking the cards from her. "We'll go lay in bed together."

"But no ice cream. It's too late for that." she responded feeling him wrap his arms around her loosely. "Let's go check on the babies. They've been too quiet tonight..."

"They just sleep better at home." he told her walking her to the babies' room. "Look at how she sleeps...she curls up like you do." Bruno said pointing to the baby in the middle of the crib holding onto a recently purchased gorilla.

"They probably do..." she said laying her head on his shoulder wrapping her arms around his waist the way he had held onto her before. "Because I know I do." 

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