Chapter 262

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Oh my god...what...." She gasped picking up the test feeling herself get a little weak.

She grabbed the counter top stabling herself looking at her reddened face. It looked exactly like it did when she was pregnant with the twins. "Shit." She said to herself as she put on her clothes for work placing her damp hair in a bun walking out of the bathroom with her dirty towels and clothes clutching the pregnancy test. She caught Bruno's eyes as she walked toward her bedroom. He smiled at her as he continued to talk to the twins while playing. A few minutes later she came out and sat down next to Bruno.

"Look..we're a family." He said to her sweetly.

"Bruno..." she picked up some of the toys to clean up before going to work.

"You don't have to clean that up. I'd do it..." he told her.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

"What?" he looked at her completely confused. "I mean...wait...what?" She handed him the test watching his expression change to shock. "But the doctor..."

"I know..." she said trying not to get emotional.

"We haven't even..." he started. "I mean..maybe...but...Laur...."

"We have a lot of make-up sex, Bru." She told him. "And after the doctor said no again..."

"What the hell? I mean...what do we even fucking deal with this? Like I'm not even going to be here. And you can't do it all on your own."

"Yes I can. I don't need your help. I don't...we don't need it." She told him.

"" he started. "I don't get it. I don't get you and I don't get your doctors. It was one can't be pregnant. You skipped a few months when you were with your's just that and're not pregnant. Right?" he turned to her seeing that she was just sitting there looking down playing with her fingers.

"I don't know. I'm not feeling very good. I feel like I did after New Year's...." she told him.

"It's what you ate. You always get that. And I know you're not eating as healthy as you want to...." He tried to work around the test.

She shook her head. "I'll go to the doctor later this week." She said to him. "You don't have to come." She stopped the conversation feeling uncomfortable looking over at her phone. "I'm going to be late."

"Go to work. I've got this." He told her.

She gave him instructions telling him about how the babies were acting, including the fact that Everlee had started pulling on her brother's hair and taking him toys. She told him to be firm with her but not to put her in time out or to say no. She watched Bruno take mental note of everything she said. She knew he would forget every little bit of it but it made her feel better after she repeated the things to him. She kissed he babies good bye grabbing her things dragging her shoes behind her. "I'll call you in a few hours." She told him opening the door to the outside.

"Tell momma bye..." Bruno responded moving their hands for them letting go seeing them do it on their own after a few seconds.

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