Chapter 245

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 Before she could make it to the small kitchen she yawned dramatically. "Laur...are you really that tired?" he asked her.

"No." she smiled handing him some of the things he was going to cook with. "What do you need help with?"

"Just stand there and look pretty. I'll do the rest." he said reaching for her waist placing her on the counter top. "Don't move. Just watch the Master Chef."

"Brunz, I hardly doubt that Chef Ramsay would call you a Master Chef..." she half joked.

"But he's not here so I can do what I want." he smiled reaching in her drawers trying to find what he needed.

"It's over there...." she pointed for him.

" would be easier if I was cooking at home..." he said almost sarcastically.

"Bruno! Come on!" she jumped down from the counter. "It's not going to happen. I'm just not going to do it. You're going to be here for a few weeks and then you're going to be gone again. I have no idea what is going to happen. It was different when it was just me, but it's not just me anymore. " she almost yelled at hm catching herself getting angry. "It's hard. I know. And it would be easier for us to be there." she said calming down a bit realizing she was getting angry. "I just don't know if I can do it yet...." she said to him sitting down on the couch. He turned on the timer on the microwave and then went and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry. It's the same argument we just had." she replied turning away from him.

"Lauren...." he reached for her hand trying to turn her around. "You know what else we talked about?"

"No." he answered still not turning around.

"We talked about realistic expectations and how I shouldn't expect you to come back to me right away." he answered. "And how I might push you too hard sometimes..."

"I push you too, though." she told him. "I try not to change you..." she smiled turning to look at him again. They returned each others gazes trying to figure out exactly what was going to happen next. For a few seconds they just looked at each other without saying a word. He could see in her eyes that she still just needed to be held and told that everything was going to be alright. But that was also what he needed. He needed to know that she was there for him too. He looked at her sweetly touching her cheek feeling several tears come down her cheek. "I cried every day, Bruno. I cried yesterday...."

"Lauren, don't cry baby...." he said leaning into her forehead closing his eyes as he kissed her nose. "Don't cry. I'm not leaving."

"I try to think that." she whispered feeling his lips move down to hers kissing her lightly.

"I cried yesterday too, Elle." he said in a moment of honesty they rarely felt with their clothes on. He felt her pull back a bit trying to keep herself from crying anymore. As she pulled away he pulled her closer kissing her the same way, a light, sweet, caring kiss that let her know that she was not alone. "I love you."  

The Hook-Up (Part Two)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant