Chapter 246

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 By the middle of the week Lauren and Bruno had settled into a routine where he would come and pick up the babies and take care of them for most of the day and then she would come and pick them up and then they would eat dinner and she would decide it was time for the babies to go to bed, and her too, so she would go home. Even though he knew he was pushing her, he tried every single night to get her to stay, or to leave a few things at the house in case anything happened. She wasn't ready yet. But she really wasn't ready to talk to Kat about what had happened since he had been served.

Thursday, though, she had to go see Kat to talk to her about what she wanted from Bruno. Lauren sat in front of her lawyer who held a pen in her hand tapping it as she opened her mouth. "What happened?" she asked.

"I don't know." Lauren said avoiding Kat's eyes. "I don't know what happened.

"You can rescind the papers or you can wait until he counter files. Tyler said that he hasn't heard from Bruno yet. He doesn't know what he wants to do yet." Kat responded about Bruno's lawyer.

"I don't know what he wants to do either." Lauren said out loud. He wants to fix it.

"We'll figure that out when it happens, Mrs. Hernandez. But what I need to know is what you want to do, legally." Kat answered.

"Ummm...." Lauren paused. "I don't want to rescind the papers yet. I don't know what is going to happen. I want to give him until that day to figure it out. I don't want to take it back yet."

"Okay. That's all I needed to know." Kat replied very professionally placing her pen down. "But personally..." she said looking at Lauren. "I would be really cautious. I've had other clients go through everything exactly the same way and they think they're different and can make it. I know it's scary, Lauren. It's one of the hardest things to do. And I don't know you two, more than what you've told I can't really judge what's going on in your lives...."

"Then please don't...." Lauren said equally as polite.

"Alright. Then we'll catch up when we hear something from Tyler." Kat told her client standing up to let her out of the office.

Lauren walked to her car planning on sitting in the car for a few minutes before she needed to leave to wrap her head around the conversation. They think they can make it...she repeated in her head hearing her phone ring. She glanced down seeing her father's phone number. "Hello?" she grabbed the phone quickly since she hadn't heard from her father since she returned to Bruno after one of their first fights after the babies were born.

"Hello, Lauren." her father said not quite sternly but not very happy.

"How are you?" she asked trying to figure out if she was going to be happy to hear from him or not.

"Lauren, I'd like to talk to you about Bruno." he responded without any small talk.

"Yes?" she questioned.

"If you are leaving him I would like to see you and the babies." he told her.

"Oh. Dad...I don't know..." she said with a bit of hesitation.

"You filed divorce papers is what your mother told me." Richard tried to explain.

"I know, Dad. But I think we're going to try to work it out. He's changing. He's going to therapy. He's not drinking anymore. He's here right now...." she told him hearing him get as frustrated as she did at things.

"Oh, lord, Lauren." he reacted. "Here I was thinking that you had finally made the right decision."

"If you're just going to tell me how horrible he is and how much of an asshole he is then I think our conversation is over, Dad. It's my life and you lost control over it a long time ago." she said getting angry. "I have people pulling me in some many directions. I need to figure it out on my own. Not with anyone else."

"Well, it was good to talk to you, even if it was for a few minutes, Lauren. Your mother and sister talk about the twins all the time. " he ended the conversation. "I just wish their father was an amazing as their mother."

"He's working on it. Good bye, dad." she said hanging up the phone hitting her head on the steering wheel screaming into it out of frustration.  

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