Chapter 242

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Lauren opened the door to her apartment at about one in the morning to see Caitlin sitting on the couc watching a movie with her phone in one hand and popcorn in the other. "Where's your dress?" she asked seeing her friend where her husband's clothing.

"It's at the house. I'll get it eventually." she shrugged sitting down next to Caitlin. "How were they?"

"They were fine. They both just went back down like ten minutes ago." Caitlin said. "How was your night?"

"It wasn't what I was expecting." Lauren responded.

"What did you want? What happened?" she questioned.

"Umm. Well. There was lots of sex." she said honestly.

"I knew it!" Caitlin said in a quiet exclamation.

"Yeah. Well. It happened. But then he got a text from her." Lauren said through her teeth.

"What?" Caitlin asked shocked.

"But I could tell that he was serious when he said that he hadn't talked to her since Houston." she told him.

"But you didn't check his phone?" Caitlin asked.

"I kind of threw it against the wall and broke it." she half laughed.

"You didn't hurt him again, did you?" her friend asked.

"No. We're okay. I believe him. We just realized that we were moving too fast." Lauren told Caitlin. "If it's going to work we have to do it right."

"Oh, Lauren." Caitlin sighed seeing Lauren's eyes start to water.

"I want to be with him so bad. And we work so well..." she told her friend. "He makes me happy. I don't think I've smiled since I left, Cait."

"I don't know...." Caitlin said a bit concerned about her friend's delusional belief that things were going to get better.

"I just want it to be okay." Lauren said again starting to cry. She reached for the Kleenex sitting on the table. "Ugh. This is so stupid. I always get like this when I see him. Even when I'm mad at him."

"If you want to try, then try. But don't get upset when it doesn't work, Laur." Caitlin told her standing up "I'm going to go, Elle. As much as I love you I kind of like my bed more than your couch."

"I know, it's not comfy." Lauren smiled standing up to hug her friend. "Thank you for watching them tonight. "


Bruno turned around out of Lauren's apartment complex looking at the time to see that it would only be 10 pm in Hawaii. He pressed the space like button on his car to make a phone call. "Hey Brunito. How are you?" he heard his mother answer the phone.

"Mom...I'm doing what you told me to. I'm trying to fix it." he said in an upset voice. "But it's not working. It's not working."

"What happened?" she asked him.

"She was there again. She just showed up." Bruno told his mother.

"Damaris?" Bernie asked.

"Umm, yeah." he said without any explanation.

"What happened? Like she was where you two were?" His mother asked confused.

"No. She texted me. I told her to stop and she did it anyway. And Lauren saw. And she yelled and left. And I don't blame her. I don't blame her one bit." he repeated upset by what had happened.

"Did she leave, Bruno?" she questioned.

"Yeah. But we talked about it. We're okay. But I just keep messing it up. I need you to help me not mess it up, Mom. I can't keep doing this. It hurts both of us. I know she went home and cried when Caitlin asked her about her night." he pleaded.

"Tell her your sorry, Brunz. Show her your sorry, too." he heard his mother say.

"How?" he asked.

"That's what you have to figure out yourself." she said to him then changing the subject asking about the twins. 

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