Chapter 270

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runo held onto his phone trying to decide what he was going to send to Lauren. Just tell her to come here...he thought to himself. But then she's going to ask about the twins and where they are....they're with my sisters tonight. They're fine. He played out the conversation in his head starting to type.

Come to the stage after work. The twins are with my sisters. It can be just me and you tonight.

He waited almost an hour to hear his phone buzz in the middle of a song. He leaned forward mid note to see her text back.

Do I have to? I don't feel good. I just want to lay on the couch and watch crappy movies tonight.

"Ugh." Bruno said ending the song they were singing. "She doesn't want to come down here. He told his band,

"I'll text her and tell her to come." Eric told him.

"No, don't. I'm going to call her." he said stepping away in the empty amphitheater. He dialed her number tapping his foot to the rhythm of the song they were just playing. Come on, Elle. He thought finally hearing her voice.

"Hi." she said quietly obviously not feeling well.

"Are you going to go home? You sound horrible." he told her.

"I might. But I have a meeting I need to go to. I forgot the tea..." she told him.

"I have some extra packs in the car. Do you want me to bring them to you?" he asked.

"Or Ryan?" she questioned knowing he wouldn't trek to her office.

"Yeah. Or him." he laughed.

"Yes. That would be nice." she answered.

"But then you have to come to the theater." he said to her hearing her moan. "But you don't have to be dressed up or anything...." he negoiated with her.

"Okay. Fine." she finally got out. "But don't expect anything beyond shorts and a tank top." she told him.

"It doesn't matter." he told her seeing Ryan walking toward him. Come over here for a second Bruno mouthed. "I have to go, mama. Ry will bring you some tea." he told her. "I love you."

"Thank you. I will see you later tonight." she answered hanging up the phone laying her head back on the chair she was sitting in.

. **

Bruno moved things around in the front of the theater feeling a little nervous about what he had planned. Shit. She hates surprises. But this whole last year has been surprises and we've made it this far..he thought to himself pulling his hair starting to get anxious. Shit. I haven't worked out today...But maybe we'll get it in later...he thought to himself with a smile. Making some final adjustments he heard his phone buzz again.

I just got here.

I'll be out to get you in a second.

He took a deep breath digging his hands into his pocket feeling the wedding ring that she had thrown at him months earlier. Maybe today. Maybe not. He thought seeing her get out of the car wearing a pair of cotton shorts and a cami with her hair up and her black rimmed glasses on her nose. Shit. She's not going to be in the mood for this. He thought again reaching for her hand how warm she was. "The tea helped, thank you." she smiled. "What did you want to show me?" she asked him.

"Just be patient, Elle." he said sweetly reaching for her hand leading her to the front of the small amphaitheater.

"What are you even doing?" she asked him. "You are being awfully mysterious...." she said with a bit of suspion.

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