Chapter 292

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"Bruno!" Lauren yelled at her husband. He turned around holding a piece of pizza talking with his mouth full.

"What?" he asked.

"Finish chewing before you say anything else." she smiled looking at their children in a pack and play near a plush leather couch.

"Sorry." he smiled looking at her focusing on his wife through the noise of his band and others running around getting ready for his first show of his second headlining tour.

"I want to talk to you." she said to him holding her hand out. "Come in the hallway." she paused looking to see who was around. "Sean! Watch the twins for a second." she yelled leaving the room with Bruno. She held onto his hand leaning against the cement wall of the hallway he would be walking down in a few minutes for his first show. "I am so proud of you." she said feeling tears fill her eyes. "I didn't think we would make it here. I didn't think I woud make it through this year in January. Or if I did it wouldn't be with you." She paused looking at him listening to her. "I just...." she looked down starting to cry. "I don't think I woud make it without you, Bruno." she sniffed looking up at him. "And the next few months are going to be really really hard. But we're going to do okay." she looked up wiping away the tears from her eyes. "I don't think I've stopped crying for the past like two weeks. Good things, sad things, funny things, everything is making me cry." she told him watching him laugh at her. "And I wasn't like this with them."

"I know you weren't..." he told her making her smile. "Thank you for being here for me, Lauren. I couldn't do it without you, either. I know I haven't made the best decisions this year." he looked down at his feet trying to figure out what he was going to say.

"Bruno! Come on! We gotta go!" he heard his brother yell at him. "Like 10 minutes ago."

"I love you, Lauren." he kissed her quickly.

"I love you too...." she said starting to cry again leaning against the wall taking in what him running away from her meant. Oh god. She thought to herself clutching the VIP necklace around her neck.

Three hours later Lauren sat on the plush leather couch rocking Ezra to sleep. Somehow the noise of people running around had put both their children to sleep. Bruno was on a high that she had not seen him have in the past few months. It made her happy to see him so happy. Lauren enjoyed the small bit of peace in the green room she had to herself with Ezra and Everlee. She listened to Bruno talk to his band about how he thought the show went in the other room. He critiqued every single piece of the show, even down to how he heard his shoes squeak at a point.Stop it. She thought to herself hearing the conversation end. As the conversation ended his band went in another direction leaving the four of them alone. "You smell good." she told him with a giggle.

"I smelled good before, though, didn't I?" he questioned her.

"Yeah. But I like the way you smell now over the way you smelled after your show." she said to him not moving careful not to wake-up the babies.

"Have they been asleep most of the night?" he asked reaching for Ezra holding him in his arms looking at him the same way she did when she dreamt of her child's future.

"Yeah. I think they were out after Treasure. That's what Ryan said."

"He's a good baby sitter. I think we should keep him." Bruno told her with a laugh.

"I guess so." she told him.

"Let's go, Laur. I'm ready to sleep with my wife in a very uncomfortable hotel bed." he said holding his hand out for her.

She stood up holding onto Everlee making sure she didn't wake up.

"Shhh, Evee." Bruno bent down into her ear. "It's okay."

"I wish I could get her to be that quiet like that." Lauren replied feeling Bruno pull her close to him squeezing her waist. They walked down the same hallway that he had walked down to perform earlier in the evening. Thorugh the heavy door they walked out into the cool humid summer heat of Washington D.C. Not saying anything to each other.Look. They're so cute. Oh my gosh. They are together. And the babies....oh my god. They are so perfect. They heard several fans from the distance say. I'm so glad they worked it out. That broke my heart. The conversations continued. The family reached the tour bus stepping up the big steps to sit down on the big couch.

"I'm glad I met you that night, Laur." Bruno said to her.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she asked confused by his statement.

"Yeah. That night when you were trying to forget Alex and I was trying to forget Giselle. " he explained.

"Oh. The night we hooked up the first time." she smiled at him. "That wasn't my best moment." she told him. "I really didn't want to ever see you again. But that didn't work out quite how I planned." she shrugged her shoulders.

"No, it sure didn't, did it?" he replied taking Everlee from her laying her down in another pack and play they had stored on the tour bus for the few trips she would be there with him.

"But I think I'm okay with that." Lauren told him leaning down to kiss him from he chair he was sitting in.

"Good god, stop it!" Jamero came onto the tour bus grossed out by their PDA.

"Shhh! The babies!" they both yelled at his bandmate.

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