Chapter 249

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A few hours later Lauren laid on the couch with Everlee on her chest trying to get her to fall asleep. "Oh, Evee..." she whined to her daughter trying to get her to fall asleep. She saw her phone off to the side trying to decide whether she should call Bruno or not. Fuck it. She thought to herself. She let the phone ring a couple times hearing music in the background. "Bruno?"

"Hey." he said almost forgetting that the music was loud.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm at home." he said not turning down the music.

"I can't hear's like your at the studio or a club or something..." she said a bit confused.

"Oh. Right." he said turning it down a little more. "What do you need?"

"What's wrong?" she asked him.

"Nothing. I just figured you didn't want to see or talk to me." he said a bit sarcastically forgetting what Matt had said to him.

"Bruno, quit being like that. That's not you." she said almost in a sad tone. "I'm sorry about last night. I was horrible to you and all you're doing is trying." she paused waiting for a response. "Bruno?"

"I'm listening." he said to her.

What else does he want? She thought to him over the awkward silence. "I don't know what you want me to say, Brunz. I know I can be a horrible person and I hold things against you. And I'm wiling to try to fix it. I know I make you feel crappy."

"You do, Lauren." he said interrupting her.

"Well just right to it, why don't you." she said almost upset at his reaction.

"Lauren. Come onnnnn...." he groaned. "I'm just being honest. Matt said I had to be honest with you."

"I know." she told him. "And it hurts." she said dropping the phone adjusting a sleeping baby. "Shit!" she yelled keeping the baby close to her. "Bruno?" she asked the dropped phone bending down to talk to it on the floor almost starting to laugh and cry at the same time. "I have to go, Bruno. I woke both of them up." she told him now more crying because she hit her knee on the ground. "Brunnnoooo."

"Hang up the phone, baby. I'll be there in a few minutes." he told her reaching for his shoes.

Almost an hour later Lauren heard the front door open. "Bruno?" she asked walking back into the living room.

"Super dad is here!" he said triumphantly.

"Shhh." she motioned pointing to their bedroom.

"Oh." he said. "You got them down?"

"Yeah." she said leading him into the bedroom. "I just needed to take a deep breath. I was overwhelmed for like two seconds. I was better by the time I hung up the phone. You can go if you want to."

"What I I don't want to?" he asked with a sweet smile brushing the hair out of her face. "It just gave me a reason to see you..."

She looked at him trying not to laugh at his reaction. "Bruno..."

"What?" he asked moving her glasses so they were straight.

"Nothing." she said moving her body away from him a little. "I'm not moving."

"I know. I wasn't asking." he responded moving her to the couch. "Let's just watch really crappy TV." he told her reaching for a pillow to lay on.

"Okay." replied reaching for the remote changing the channel to MTV. "Teen Mom?"

"I heard Farrah likes my music..." he said with a laugh. 

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