Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Peeta!" I exclaim, mad at how he scared me.

"I'm sorry." He says knowing I'm upset and try's to pull me into a hug, I duck out of the way and run off to Willow's bedroom and lock the door. I look down at Willow who I had been holding up against my chest and was now asleep, I smile before standing up and setting her in the crib. I fall back into the rocking chair when the baby monitor on the dresser beside me buzzes to life.

"Katniss, surrender and open the door." Peeta's voice booms through the baby monitor. I stand and slap my hand over the speaker so I can turn down the volume.

"Shh!" I scold, "Willow is sleeping!"

"I'm sorry. But really, surrender and let me in, or else." Peeta warns through the baby monitor.

"Or else what?" I laugh slouching back down in the rocking chair.

"Or else I will take down the door, grab you, and lock you outside in the snow!" Peeta laugh. I hold back a laugh as I look to the window, oh, it's snowing, and I'm in a tang top and jeans.

"Katniss?" Peeta calls through the baby monitor, snapping me from my thoughts.

"I will not open the door." I blurt out. I slap my hands over my mouth, what did I just say! I'm gonna freeze!

I hear a loud buzzing sound on the door for about five-ten minutes before the door is removed and Peeta stands there with an electric screw driver. I frown and my eyes widen as he comes towards me. I hop up and dart past him, but he wraps an arm around my stomach and pulls me back, throwing me over his shoulder, making the envelope Gale gave me fall out of my pocket as he continues to walk down the stairs as I struggle to get away.

"Peeta!! Please put me down!" I cry out.

"Nope." He says popping the 'p'.

"Peeta!!!!! Stop it!!!" I scream as I thrash around in his arms as he goes to the front door.

"Peeta!!!" I scream as he opens the door and walks towards Haymitch's house. What?

When he sets me down I try to run but he catches me the same way as last time.

"Haymitch!!!" I scream trying to get the probably drunken Haymitch to help me. Peeta puts me up against the railing of the house and ties my arms there with a piece of rope before walking off, leaving me tied.

"Peeta!!!" I scream as he continues to walk off, ignoring me completely.

"Peeta!!!" I scream again trying to get my arms out of the rope. I drop to knees, letting my arms hang above my head, admitting defeat. Things like this have happened before, just he never tied me up.

I see the familiar blonde girl walking by, seeing this as a chance to get free.

"Delly!" I call to the girl. When she see's me her eyes widen and she runs to me.

"Oh my gosh! Why are you tied up!" She exclaims.

"Peeta." Is all I had to say for her to understand. She nods and unties my arms.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Your welcome. I'm guessing you are locked out of the house, what did you do?" Delly asks.

"I locked Peeta out of the baby's room. He took down the door and tied me up" I explain as we walk back to the house.

"Wow. I'll nock, you run in when he answers." Delly smiles. I nod and hide where Peeta won't be able to see me.

"If it's Katniss you can't come in yet!" I hear Peeta yell when Delly knocks, making me laugh.

"It's Delly!" She calls. The door opens and I run in but Peeta once again try's and wrap his arm around my stomach and pull me back but this time I'm punched in the stomach. I groan and fall to the floor, clutching my stomach as I curl up in pain.

"Katniss!" They both gasp. Peeta pulls me onto his lap as whispers he's sorry over and over I into my ear.

"Ow." I manage. Peeta chuckles and kisses my forehead before helping me to my feet.

"Bad Peeta!" Delly scolds.

"It was an accident!" Peeta exclaims.

"No! You locked her outside! She could have caught hypothermia!" Delly exclaims.

"It's not that cold." Peeta says innocently as he wraps his arm around me. I get away from his arms.

"Don't touch me." I growl crossing my arms over my chest as I walk upstairs to the sound of a crying baby.

"Where are you going?" Peeta asks.

"To get Willow." I say, stating the obvious to Peeta. I walk into Willow's room where she lays in her bed crying.

"Hey, shh... It's alright. Are you hungry?" I ask her. Why am I talking to a baby, she can't reply. I've gone insane over here. I was talking to a chicken yesterday. Yeah, that's right, I talked to a chicken, his name was Otzen. I walk to Peeta and I's room and sit up on the bed with Willow. I completely refuse to breast feed in front of anyone. If we have company I'll usually just hide away in her room or Peeta and I's. I become sleepy and Peeta walks in seeing me sitting on the bed sleepily with Willow. He grins and walks over to me, I don't know why I feel uncomfortable. I pull up my shirt and hold Willow in my arms. He kisses me before saying he's sorry again.

"You should take Willow to meet Delly." Peeta suggests. I nod looking at the sleeping girl who is in my arms. I stand up and walk downstairs with Peeta at my side. Delly gasps when she see's Willow.

"C-Can I hold her?" She asks. I nod as I carefully hand her Willow.

"She's so beautiful." Delly mumbles. Willow's eyes flutter open, making her gasp, and me smile.

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