Chapter 17

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the next chapters 18 through 25 went on private and I have no access to a computer to fix this. if you'd like to read these tell me so with a comment or direct message. I'll follow you and then you follow me back and theyll unlock. if you don't comment I will not follow you back!
Chapter 17

I fall to the ground and begin to cry. I can't go back! I can't go back to the arena!

"Katniss, what is it?!" Naomi exclaims. Gale gets down in his knees and pries the paper from my fingers. He reads it but before he can keep it from Naomi she pulls it into her hands. She reads, her mouth drops. She screams, and falls to the ground. She was pregnant, she can't go in! The front door swings open and in steps Haymitch and Peeta walk through the door.

"What the hell is going on!" Haymitch exclaims. Gale pries the paper from Naomi's hand and hands it to Haymitch. Willow runs over to Haymitch, hugging his leg.

Peeta now has the note. His mouth drops open.

"No!" I scream. Everyone looks at me like I have gone insane, I probably have.

"No! We are not going back in to the arena!" I yell.

"Katniss, you have to calm down." Peeta tells me.


"Peeta, no!" I yell.

"Katniss, that wasn't me!" Peeta throws back. I freeze and my eyes widen and my breathing quickens. Gale helps Naomi to her feet and picks up Jack in one arm and holds onto Naomi with the other. Haymitch lift Willow into his arms protectively. Peeta pulls me into his arms. My eyes are wide and I am breathing fast.

"Katniss, calm down, it's okay." Peeta says trying to reassure me.

"What is it?" I ask. I can hear it up stairs, as if its in Willow's room.

I walk over to Haymitch's side so I'm with my daughter and Peeta. Everyone has gathered in one spot, not moving, and not saying a word. The only thing you are able to hear is my name being hissed.

"Momma, what's going on?" Jack asks. I suck in a breath and my eyes widen.

"Katnissss! Katnissss!!!!" This hissing gets louder and closer. My breathing quickens and Peeta tightens his grip around me. You can hear the slapping of feet hitting the floor, like two webbed footed creatures stumbling down the stairs.

"Katnissss!" They hiss. I see a foot appear, webbed blizzard white, but with 3 long sharp claws. I gasp, holding onto Peeta.

"Shh..." Peeta coos as if I was awaking from a night mare. A head pops out from behind the wall, white and scaly, it looks like an alligator. It makes a horrible screeching sound. Another head pops out from behind the wall. They step out, completely blizzard white and scaly. Two long sharp teeth hanging from their jaws. They make another screeching sound as they slowly creep towards us. One swipes its small arm at my face, it's five two inch long claws barley missing me.

"Katnissss..." one hisses. I swallow, I don't even move, it's as if I have been paralyzed. The mutt creeps towards me, it's face only inches away. We stare into each others eyes, I swallow and it screams in my face, Haymitch opens the front door and pushes us all out, telling us to run. The creatures chase after us, screaming and hissing my name. I run next to Peeta, not leaving his side.

"Peeta, why is it after us?!" I exclaim as I trip in a hole and falling. One runs to me, hovering over me. It bends down, one of its long claws stabbing a little bit into the skin right bellow my collar bone. I scream in pain as it pulls down only a little, there was only the tip of the claw stabbing me, but it was painful. It drags its claw down a little more, making me scream again. It's about to drag more but is pushed far to the other side leaving a mark cut beneath my collar bone to bleed. I see Haymitch had tackled the mutt, but the other one was coming up behind him.

"Haymitch behind you!" I scream, but I was late, he turns around and the mutt tackles him. I scream and burry my face in Peeta's chest. I quickly pull away and take a knife that Haymitch had dropped.

"Katniss, no!" Peeta exclaims, but it's to late, my arm had already snapped back and flung the knife forward.

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