Chapter 45

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A Baby Mockingjay 45

Chapter 45

"Cypress!" I exclaim, running past Peeta. I have the 4 knives and run towards the voice.

"Cypress!" I yell. I hear a scream that urges me to speed up but I know they are only a few feet away. I walk forward slowly and quietly. Cypress was holding her right eye. I see one of the careers, Silver I think. He was holding a knife that had blood on the tip. I climb up a tree so I have a better aim. I send a knife flying down towards his arm, stabbing him. He looks around, clutching onto his arm.

"Your ally can't save you!" He hisses at Cypress.

"I don't have an ally!" Cypress exclaims. Silver is a about to send a knife flying into Cypress when a knife hits his neck, another his chest. I climb down the tree and run to Cypress' aid.

"What happened!" I exclaim.

"I stole a pack from them." She says pointing to the pack next to her.

"Come on." I say. I take the pack Silver had on his back and the 5 knives in his jacket. Cypress brings along her pack but doesn't take her hand off her right eye. What happened? When we make it into the clearing where Peeta was waiting, I have my arm wrapped around Cypress, holding her close to my side. The second Peeta see's me he throws his arms around me, holding onto my tight.

"I heard the cannon, I though I lost you!" Peeta says into my hair.

"It's okay, I'm okay. Cypress needs help though." I say pulling away.

"What happened?" Peeta asks.

"He cut my eye. I tried to avoid it, he got me though." Cypress tells us.

"Let me see your eye." I say. She moves her hand, revealing the cut across her eye.

"Can you open your eye?" I ask. She opens it slowly. I cover her eye that hadn't been cut.

"Can you see anything?" I ask. She shakes her head no. I frown and move my hand from her good eye. I dig through the 2 new packs, the one from Silver is full of items, knives, a mini hatchet, and a lot more. I take the hatchet from the bag and walk to the ice covered stream. I hit it with a hatchet, then stomp on it, a small hole breaks in the ice, I take some cloth from Silver's bag and stick my hand along with the cloth in the water, I jump back, causing Peeta to run to my side.

"It's freezing." I giggle, it was frozen, of course it's freezing. I take the wet cloth and get Cypress to sit on her knees in front of me. I wipe away the blood, cleaning the cut so she won't get infection.

"Close your left eye." I tell her. She does so, I feel like she's looking at me with her right eye, but I'm not sure.

"Can you see me?" I ask.

"No, I can't see anything." She says, I notice the cut going right through her eyelid, it must have cut her eye. She's blind in her right eye.

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