Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
•five years later•

"Katniss, wake up." Peeta mumbles, shaking me awake. I groan and squint my eyes so I can see him.

"Come on." Peeta says taking my hand and pulling me from the bed and taking me to the window.

"Look." He says. I look out the window to see the sky pained pink. Peeta is the only person who would wake me up to see a sunset, but I'm happy he did.
I lean my head on his shoulder, but it only makes me feel like I'm gonna fall asleep. The floor disappears from beneath me and I am swept away to my bed. I land back on the bed and almost right away fall asleep, but cry's from Willow call me. I love her, just I'm so tired. I stand up but Peeta grabs my arm.

"I'll get her." Peeta says. I nod and crawl back into bed.

Peeta returns with Willow, walking her by her hand and letting her climb into our bed.

"Go to sleep Katniss." Peeta commands. I shake my head.

"Why not?" He ask. I shrug and look down at Willow. "She'll be okay. Just go to sleep." He tells me. I nod my head and doze off.

I awake screaming, Peeta trying to calm me.

"Katniss, shh... It's okay!" Peeta coos. I haven't had nightmares in forever, I thought they were gone. Willow has her arms wrapped around me, she seemed scared, like someone had broke into the house. I hear a knock on the door downstairs but Peeta gets up to answer the door before I can. I stand up, holding a scared Willow by the hand and walking down the stairs enough that I can see Peeta.

"Katniss, come here." Peeta calls. I nod and walk towards him. I tell Willow to sit on the stairs before walking to him.

"Hello." I say looking at the man.

"Hello Katniss." The man smiles.

"Do I know you?" I ask.

"No. I don't think so. But we need you and Peeta to come to the Capitol for an interview. I don't think the Capitol knows about Willow.

"Why do we have to come." I ask.

"We would like you two to come to the Capitol every year for an interview." He smiles. I look at Peeta then back to the man.

"Is it necessary?" I ask.

"The other living victors will be there. And yes it's necessary." I bite my lip before nodding okay. He smiles and leaves.

"I don't think the Capitol knows about Will." I say sitting down on the couch as she runs to me.

"Yeah, don't think he even noticed we had Willow with us." I smile. Willow laughs.

"What are you laughin' at!" I say in a voice just for her.

She walks over to Peeta who begins to tickle her.

"Hey!" Willow exclaims. She laughs and try's to fight if Peeta's hands. Her 5th birthday was soon, and not long after we are going to the Capitol for the interview.

Peeta takes her to the kitchen where they start making something with Willow helping him. I walk to the kitchen and wrap my arms around Will and kiss her head. She had dark hair like mine running a little longer her shoulders. We never wanted to cut it.

"Will, do you wanna go on a walk?" I ask. She smiles and nods

"Where are you guys going?" Peeta asks with a smile.

"I'm just gonna show her the woods." I smile as I slip on my coat then put hers on her. I kiss Peeta before walking out of the house.

"Mommy, where we going?" Willow asks.

"The woods." I say.

"But that not aloud!" Willow exclaims.

"You have been out there before. You were very little though." I explain. She doesn't say anything else. I help her under the fence. She's scared of it at first, she knows about it, and she thinks its electrocuted. I had to grab the wires to show that its not wasn't.

"Come on Will." I smile. She follows me through the woods and grabs onto my hand when she here's a snap of a branch as a bunny jumps across our path, I giggle and walk to the rock the me and Gale would always sit on.

"Mommy, whats that?" Willow asks, pointing to the Mockingjay pin on my shirt, I had started wearing it again, I don't know why exactly.

"It's a Mockingjay."

"Is that here?" She asks.

"Yes, watch." I smile, whistling the four note whistle the the Mockingjays begin to play pass with. Willow stares at the trees with wide eyes.

"Woah..." She trails off. I smile as I pick a black berry and drop it in her hand. She stares at it before popping it in her mouth. She smiles.

"Wanna go see Jack?" I ask. Jack was Naomi and Gale's son. Jack was four and Naomi was pregnant again. Peeta wants another child but I'm scared, I don't know why, but I had one miscarriage before Willow. I think that's why I'm so scared.

"Not yet." Willow says, making me smile. I would do the same every time my father would take me out here. She climbs over the rock so she can see into the field. She points into the field. I squint my eyes to see a wild dog, it seemed so lost.

"Watch this." I say removing my bow and sheath of arrows from the hollow log. Slinging it over my shoulder. I load the bow and shout the arrow close to the dog so it would jump. Willow laughs.

"I wanna try!" She exclaims.

"When your bigger." I say.

"Why can't I now!" Willow pouts. I haven't hunt in so long and I would now if I didn't have Willow, I'm afraid I would scare her.

"Catch the dog!" Willow exclaims pointing to the wild dog.

"If I shout it, that would kill it." I exclaim, bending down to her hight.

Sh nods, "I know." I shrug and load my bow, drawing it back, I aim and release it, letting it pierce the dog, causing it to fall limp. Willow cheers happily, I'm gonna have to teach her to hunt.

"Do you wanna learn to hunt some day?" I ask with a smile as I grab my game bag and we walk down to the dog and put it in the bag.

"Is that gonna be dinner?" She asks.

"Yep!" I exclaim. She smiles and picks a berry off a bush, she's about to pop it in her mouth when I slap it from her hand.

"Willow, that's nightlock! We don't eat that! You would be dead before it made it to your stomach!" I exclaim. She frowns and squishes one, revealing the almost blood red juice.

"Sorry." She says with a frown.

"Hey, Will, it's okay. I almost ate it once when I was your age, my daddy saved me and told me about it." I explain. She smiles and nods as she walks next to me.

"Wanna go back?" I ask. She shakes her head and continues to walk forward. We eventually make it to the lake my father would take me to.

"It's so pretty here!" Willow exclaims.

"Will, my daddy would take me here. He taught me to swim here." I explain to her.

"Can you teach me to swim?" Willow asks with a huge smile. I grin and nod as I tie my game bag in a tree and climb into the water, helping Willow get in.

"Okay, kick your legs, I won't let go of you." I smile. She kicks her legs quickly. I release my hands for a second but she doesn't notice and keeps herself above water, treading water.

"Your treading water!" I exclaim throwing my arms in the air, letting her notice I wasn't holding onto her. She smiles and moves her arms trying to get to me.

"Keep kicking your legs and moving your arms!" I construct. I move back a little bit, soon having to tread water an going back to the edge of the lake with Willow in my arms.

"Good job Will." I smile as we climb out of the water. I take the game bag from the tree and grab my bow and arrows as we set back to the fence. Willow began to get tired, wow, swimming really makes her tired. I begin to carry her and I think she has fallen asleep as we walk through the streets.

"Hey Catnip, what you got?" Gale ask as I walk through the hob that had been replaced.

"Willow saw a wild dog, I got it now." I say holding the bag to him.

"She seems tired." Gale chuckles.

"Yeah, I took her swimming." I smile. "So how's Naomi doing?" I ask as Jack appears at Gale's side.

"She's doing good. We better get back home, it's getting late. See you around Catnip." Gale smiles before walking off, leaving me with my game bag. It was getting late, me and Will had been out there almost all day, I was starved. I make my way home with Willow. I walk though the door to see Haymitch and Peeta in the kitchen. I am quickly embraced in Peeta's arms.

"Where have you been!" He exclaims.

"Out in the woods with Will, teaching her to swim and not to eat nightlock." I sum up the day. He smiles and takes her from my arms, laying her on the couch and pulling a blanket over her.

"So, what did you get?" Haymitch asks. He had stopped drinking after Willow was born, being assigned god father.

"Wild dog that Will found." I say. "I'm gonna take it to the butcher tomorrow."

"Well, your just in time for dinner." Peeta smiles.

"I think I should get Willow. She hasn't eaten all day, she only had berries!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, why don't you get her." Peeta smiles. I grab Willow who try's to protest about going to dinner but hunger wins over. We all sit at the table and eat, Willow tells about our time in the woods making everyone smile. Our family was perfect.

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