Chapter 23

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chapter 23
"Katniss." Peeta says lifting my chin so I'm looking at him. We had just got on the train and I was crying about leaving my daughter.

"Peeta, I'm scared. What will Willow do if we don't see her again." I say sadly.

"Don't worry, we'll make it back, one of us will." Peeta says.

"She needs both of us." I tell him.

"I know. But I don't that that will be possible again." I nod knowing he's right. I curl up on the couch next to him. he pulls me onto his lap.

"Hello." A man says from in front of us.

"Hello." Peeta answers for both of us.

"I'm sorry that you both have o go back in for the third time. Especially when you have to leave your daughter." He says calmly. He reminds me so much of Cinna.
"I'm Dayo." he says holding out his hand for us to shake. We do so and then go back to talking.

"I'm going to be your stylist." he tells us. Okay, he's really like Cinna. Dark skin, same hair, and only a little old eyeliner.

"Did you know Cinna?" I blurt out.

"he was my father."

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