Chapter 43

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A Baby Mockingjay 43

Chapter 43

•Katniss' POV•

I wake up to a cold feeling on my nose, I open my eyes to see a small drop of water falling down my nose. I shake Peeta awake and crawl to the entrance before he has even completely awoken. My mouth hangs open as I stare out into the clearing.

"Katniss, is everything alright?" Peeta asks.

"It snowed." I say in disbelief. I feel the blanket get draped over my shoulders. It was freezing. I zip up my jacket and put the gloves from my pack on. I pull the hood from my jacket over my head and walk out slowly, holding a knife for protection. I am startled by a cannon that sends me running back to the cave. I slide in through the mouth of the cave and strait into Peeta's arms.

"What happened?!" He exclaims holding onto me tightly.

"The cannon scared me." I tell him. He nods.

"We should get some water, the stream is right in front of the cave." Peeta suggests, I nod in agreement. I shove everything in the packs except for the 4 knives.

"Why are you packing up?" Peeta asks as I hand him a pack.

"Just in case we get caught and need to run." I tell him. He nods and slings the pack around his shoulder. We walk out slowly, watching our surroundings.

"I'll watch you back, get the water." Peeta says, handing me the two canteens. I take them an walk to the stream. I frown when I see it is frozen over with ice. I try jabbing a knife in it but it doesn't leave much of a dent. I walk towards the small waterfall hoping it hasn't completely froze over. There is only water falling from it in a few spots so it takes twice as long to fill the canteens. I have almost filled the second one when I hear a branch. My eyes fly up to the forest, I look around.

"Peeta." I whisper so only a person by my side would be able to hear.

"Right here. Don't move." He says. What does he see? I hear the snow crunch. I want to run up a tree but I can't leave Peeta. I see a foot step from the trees, then the girl walks out. Alice.

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