Chapter 83

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A Baby Mockingjay 83

Chapter 83

to lose hope in Katniss. She won't eat, nor will she drink. I really need to help her, but I can't.

"Attention tributes!" Claudius Templesmith booms. Willow jumps back into my arms.

"There will be a feast tonight, all of you need something, badly." He announces.

"Peeta, you aren't going." Katniss says weakly.

"You did for me in the first games." I tell her.

"Please don't go." She says, "Please." I see Willow who had fallen asleep in the warm sun while Katniss is curled up in the dark.

"Okay." She needs it though. Her medicine is there, she's dying in front of me, I can't bare that. I begin to walk towards the front of the cave when I'm cut off.

"Peeta, where are you going?" Katniss says almost a whisper.

"To pick berries." I tell her. I take the sword and leave. I'm walking around when I am hit in the head. I turn to see who it was but there was no one. I look at the ground at find a parachute. I open it up and find a bowl of soup with a note next to is.



Chloroform, I sniff the soup, you could only slightly smell the sweet smelling liquid in it. I can't eat this but I have to get Katniss and Willow too, tonight.

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