Chapter 101

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A Baby Mockingjay 101

Chapter 101

"Katniss!" Finnick exclaims running over and hugging me.

"Ermin, Finnick's your brother?!" I exclaim. Ermin nods and smiles.

"I thought you were killed!" I exclaim, now looking back at Finnick, gripping his shoulders and shaking him. "You must tell me everything!"

"Okay, I will if you tell me 'bout this." He say, poking my belly. I nod in agreement as James runs up to Finnick.

"Hey little man!" Finnick smiles. James was 11, since then he never knew his father.

"Katniss!" Someone yells. I hope up from where I had say on the ground.

"I'm not here!" I exclaim and run behind a house as Peeta walks up to everyone.

"Have you seen Katniss?" Peeta asks, not giving a care that Finnick is back. They all just shake their heads. I giggle lightly when a hand is slapped over my mouth, I try and scream and kick at the ground.

"Katniss?" I hear someone call.

"Meeta!" I try and scream. I only get a slight view of them running towards me before I am hit on the head and black out.

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