Chapter 56

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A Baby Mockingjay 56

Chapter 56

"P-Peeta," I begin.

"Katniss, what is it?"

"I-I'm pregnant." I tell him.

"But I thought you got an abortion!" Peeta whispers so only I can hear.

"It must have failed!" I exclaim, I bury my face in my hands, I can't be pregnant in the games! How could I have not known this before! I break out in tears as Cypress walks up.

"I found a place." She informs. "Is Katniss alright?"

"Cypress, I'm pregnant!" I exclaim through tears.

"So, those are tears of joy?" She asks. I shake my head as Peeta begins to pack up. He picks me up and we follow Cypress.

"Bow." I say.

"I have it." Peeta tells me. I nod and nestle my head in his chest, still upset.

"Everything will be fine Katniss." Peeta tells me.

I nod sleepily.

"Why don't you rest." Peeta says as we continue to follow Cypress. I nod.

"Never let me go." I say before drifting off into deep dark sleep.

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