Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

•Katniss's POV•

The second I finish eating I am taken away to prepare for the tribute parade. I have an all new prep team. They were all exited to be 'serving' me. I barley got to hear their names they said them so fast. But there was only one girl and she seemed young, I think her names Hera. The names Capitol people have. When they finish the make up, they leave, leaving my costume on the bed. I put it on and notice its the exact same one from my first games. Dayo comes in and smiles.

"It's the same thing from the 74th games." I tell him.

"Yes, but a bit different." He smiles. Okay... I follow him out and meet Peeta and the two other tributes, Jackson, and Alice meet us on our way to the on the elevator.

"Katniss," Peeta whispers from next to me. I look up at him.

He hesitates "You look pretty." He smiles as if he forgot what he was gonna say.

"Thank you?" I say more as a question than an answer. He grins and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side.

When we arrive we have time to talk with the tributes, there aren't as many people who are in their twenty's, but the careers have a few that are. They all glare at me from where I sit with Peeta. I scotch closer to Peeta, hoping to feel more safe.

"Everything alright?" He whispers to me.

"Careers are glaring me down. A bit creepy." I tell him. He wraps his arm around me and glares at the careers. They look away making me laugh. I glare at them, nothing happens, Peeta glares at them they go away. There's a scream, my eyes widen and jump up from where I was sitting. I look to see Alice being tackled by someone from District 5 and Jackson trying to help her. I run over and push the District 5 boy away.

"Hey!" He yells not even taking a look at me, about to lung at me. He looks up at me. He was small and I don't think he would be able to tackle me.

"Oh, h-hi Katniss." He practically cowers away. Why is he doing this? Peeta comes to my side, the District 5 boy takes careful steps back.

"Why are you scared of us?" I say before I can stop the words.

"Y-Your the biggest threat..." He trails off. I look at Peeta with a confused look.

"And this is why?" Peeta asks.

"You survived two Hunger Games and the rebellion, how could you not be a threat! Are you in with the careers?" He asks. Okay, this is weird.

"No we aren't, now you leave them alone." I say before walking off to our chariot. There were two chariots for each District due to the increased amount if tributes. I walk over to the horses that were hocked to our chariot. I pet one of our horses. I really don't want to go back in, but I have to.

"Katniss, are you okay?" Peeta asks wrapping his arm around me. I just nod and continue to pet the horse.

"Katniss," Peeta begins.

"Peeta I'm fine." I tell him. We are ushered to our chariots. Dayo runs over to us. He's holding a match. My eyes widen but then I remember its fake. Just as we are about to pull out, he lights our ankles. Peeta takes my hand and we hold our hands high. The fire burn up our body's, the crowd gasps and watches as as it sets us ablaze. I don't notice till we are completely ablaze, and have stopped. The fire disappears and leaves us covered in black feathers, leaving us as Mockingjays.

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