Lost in Nature

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A/N: Thank you for reading, please vote and leave comments. They are loved so so so very much!


Haunting and alluring music filled the air; adding sound to the bright pink, purple, and orange sunset. The waves rose and fell in time with the song.

"You may want to be careful with that voice of yours. You could cause an accident," Ryou smiled silently coming up behind the petite amethyst eyed siren. The alluring song ceased as the youth put his hand to his chest and turned to face his company.

"You scared me," Yugi giggled.

"You've become very gifted with your voice, Yugi. I am impressed," Ryou sat next to him on the beach. Yugi crossed his legs and leaned back placing his palms behind him to support his position, "Will you keep singing?"

Yugi nodded. He closed his amethyst orbs as he felt the pull of the ocean and the sound it made; the sound of its life, it's breath, its song. His voice became the call of the ocean the moment his breath passed over his vocal cords to sing. The silver haired elf closed his milk chocolate eyes as well; listening to Yugi's voice rise and fall in time with the ocean waves. The song ended on a gentle note bringing a warm smile to the lips of the elf sitting next to him.

"Breathtaking. You sing with every ounce of your being," Ryou whispered. A light blushed stained the pale cheeks of the siren. "Yugi, can I see your tail? I've been curious as to what it looks like."

The petite siren giggled, "Sure. I just need to take these clothes off first. I don't need to lose another pair of pants or boxers." 

It was Ryou's turn to blush as the siren stripped in front of him. Milk chocolate orbs glancing away as soft creamy skin was revealed. Yugi ran to the waves; diving in head first. His senses went into over drive the moment the icy water made contact with his skin. His legs merged instantly together forming his tail and fin. He played in the waves for several minutes offshore before returning to the beach in front of where his elven friend sat. He used his forearms to pull him up further onto the beach, but not fully out of the water. Ryou approached, his eyes wide as he drank in the long amethyst tail that use to be his friend's slim legs.

"Wow," he whispered watching each scale shimmer under the light of the setting sun.

Yugi rolled over onto his back, the waves coming up around him, his amethyst eyes dancing in delight as he stared up at the silver haired elf, "You will have to come swimming with Yami and I at some point."

"I would love to, preferably when it is warmer though. This weather is a bit cold for me to go swimming," Ryou giggled.

Yugi nodded, "Of course, when it is warmer, I will take you out and show you the wonders of the ocean."

"That sounds like the perfect plan," Ryou sighed his smile fading, "I'm sorry Yugi, I do need to be going. I just wanted to come and see how you were since you apparently have still not told Yami about how you feel," Ryou winked.

Yugi blushed again looking down at his gold speckled amethyst tail, "I will."

"Would you like me to wait for you to dry so we can leave together?" Ryou asked with a tilt of his head.

"No, I am fine. I want to stay until the sun is fully set. It's so beautiful here at sundown," Yugi responded, "But will you do something for me?"

"Sure, what is it?" Ryou asked glancing down at the young siren.

"Will you place my towel and clothes a little closer to the water's edge? That will make it easier for me to reach."

"Of course!" Ryou picked up the coral colored towel and articles of clothing. He folded them neatly near the water, but not close enough to get wet until the tide was much higher.

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