Panama Canal

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A/N: Hello everyone! I hope you like the chapter. Please vote and comment :)


*Mind Link*

Italics - Visions

Yugi sat cross legged on the couch at Ryou and Bakura's apartment watching Yami whip Joey at Halo. A smile crossed his lips when the shaggy blonde threw his arms in the air giving an exasperated grunt.

"Admit it man, you suck," Tristan chuckled throwing a wad of paper at Joey.

"I do not! Yami is just in a league all on his own at this game. The only one that even has a chance at beating him is Yugi," the blonde nodded his head towards the petite siren sitting on the couch.

"He is fiercely competitive, Joey. You should remember that whenever you challenge him," Ryou chuckled as he walked into the living room holding two mugs of steaming liquid. He sat next to Yugi handing him one of the steaming mugs.

"Mmm..." Yugi hummed appreciatively as he took a deep breath in, the sweet smell of chocolate washing over his senses, "Thank you....." Yugi's smile fell as his face relaxed. The mug poised in mid air as Yugi's form froze; his eyes clouding over gazing in front of him completely unfocused and unseeing.

The water around him was a crystal clear blue. He could see the tropical fish swimming lazily around his amethyst tale. The sun blazed above with rays so intense and hot he had to raise his hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light. He  squinted as he glanced around him. He spotted a small island not too far from him with palm trees and white beaches. He felt a mysterious pull drawing him closer to the island. Diving into the warm blue waters; he made his way towards the beautiful landmass that could have passed as a small piece of paradise. As he approached the island, a flash of orange caught his eye. His eyebrows furrowed as he swam towards the direction the orange creature had gone. His eyes spotted the orange again disappearing into an underwater cave.

Amethyst blinked several times as he felt his body being shaken, "Yug, you alright?" Joey's voice pierced the fogginess of his brain.

"I'm fine, Joey," Yugi gently pushed the worried blonde away.

"Joey, I told you not to bother him," Ryou frowned at the blonde.

"But he went completely catatonic for a while," Joey returned the frown.

"He was having a vision. I would have been able to feel if something went wrong or if he was hurt. Empath...remember?" Ryou commented.

"Oh yea. Sorry," Joey's face lit up with a blush so bright it matched Yami's eyes.

Ryou handed Yugi's now lukewarm chocolate back to the petite youth, "I'm sorry, Yugi, I had to take your chocolate. I didn't want it to spill and burn you while you had your vision."

"Thank you. I appreciate that. Coming back or being brought back by a burn would not be my idea of fun," Yugi smiled softly. He raised the chocolate to his lips and took a gulp.

*What did you see, Aibou?* Yami asked, the sharp crimson eyes meeting Yugi's amethyst.

*It was definitely tropical waters. Chrys said there was a clan in the Caribbean so I assume that is where we will need to go next,* Yugi answered Yami's query as he took another sip of chocolate.

"What was your vision shrimp?" Bakura arched a silver brow curiously.

"The Caribbean is where we have to go next," Yugi answered.

Joey whimpered, "I want to go to the Caribbean! Take me with you, Yug!"

The petite siren giggled, "Sure if you want to dog paddle the whole way. This is going to a a very loooooooooooooooong trip," Yugi met Yami's gaze again. Yami nodded becoming lost in his own thoughts.

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