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The Shin Hwa group is a world-class company based out of the U.S. They are so large they have been selected as the number one sponsor for the next upcoming Olympics. Ever since this company took off, it has surpassed other companies with its variety and continuous growth. They produce and sell everything from, electronics, to oil refining and automobiles, to delivery and telecommunications.

You may not even know much about the company but it would be hard for you to not know the two words; Shin Hwa. When the founder of this company, was invited to the White House, instead of accepting the metal of honor, he asked the president,"Mr.President, let me build a school for my grandchildren." This was the birth of the renowned Shin Hwa Academy.

The president spared no expense for the school, even passing several laws that benefited the school. The saying in America now is,"A family won't get anywhere without a Shin Hwa graduate." But, here's the catch, this school is only for the top 1% of society. There are very few cases in which a middle or lower class student gets enrolled. Wealthy Upper class children begin in kindergarten, but even though some children are enrolled right after they are born they don't always get accepted. Once enrolled, they can be educated at Shin Hwa from elementary to high school graduation, and from there to university or college.

For the middle and lower class Shin Hwa
Academy is there dream and the object of their jealousy.

In this school for the rich and privileged, something beyond what anyone would expect is happening.

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