Wonder Girl

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⚫️Jan Di⚫️

I hear a commotion as I head up the steps and pick up the pace. When I reach the top there is one boy standing on the ledge while a group of kids are gathered on the roof a few feet away.

What's going on here? Why is he on that ledge? He wouldn't be-? No! They wouldn't be standing here if he was.

Taking advantage of the group of people I start yelling,"Lee Min Ha, Lee Min Ha! Do you know Lee Min Ha?"

They all ignored me but one boy pointed to the other standing on the balcony. I look over and see the boy wavering on the edge as he stuck his foot out. I walked closer to him.

"Wait!" I screamed. "Are you Lee Min Ha?" I ask.

This stopped the boy and caught his attention but he didn't look at me.

"I'm with Jan Di's cleaning and I have your clothing." I said holding up the garment bag I had been carrying with me.

This caught his attention and he looked over at me curiously.

"You know that's dangerous," I said to him. I heard a few people around us chuckle and saw a small smile appear on the boys face. "It will be $30!" I finish.

He looks away a from me and I decide he's having a rough day so I would give him a discount. "Ok, ok. You only have to pay $25" I corrected.

Still staring at the pavement below him he says, "Settle it with my family after I die."

The realization sunk in. He was going to kill him self!

"Your gonna die right know? But why? You go to such a nice school? Your life seems perfect." I tell him.

He replies with,"This isn't a school it's Hell."

"This isn't–" she hesitated, she was raised not to cuss,"this isn't that. There are worse things in the world. The real world that's what you're referring to."

"Do you know who the F4 are?" He asks


"Well, if you scorn them they give you these red cards which make you a target for the whole school. Once your targeted your a hunted man until you're shamefully exiled or this."

At that moment with all of my heart I hated this F4, they had caused this young man so much pain and now he was willing to step off the building just to end the pain he is going through.

"What are you gonna do? Let them get away with it?" I ask.

If I went to this school I would kick all of their sorry F4 butts.

"Your friends are lucky to have someone like you, someone so brave and kind."

I smiled at his flattering words.

He smirked, glanced at me briefly, then jumped off the ledge.

My instincts kicked in an I ran forward to stop him. With faster reflexes I didn't know I had, I grabbed him by the shirt collar to stop him. I gripped him around his neck and pulled him up with all the strength I had.

⚫️Gu Jun Pyo⚫️

He wasn't about to jump. But I sat on the edge of my seat in anticipation anyway. Maybe he would get down off the ledge. He was talking to someone and even smiled a couple times. Maybe he was considering getting down and acting like this wasn't a big deal. Ji Hoo kept questioning why I was letting this go on.

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