Another Party

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A/N: Sorry this isn't a new chapter update but I didn't realize until just now that the ending of my chapter got cut off. I uploaded it on my laptop is probably the reason why. I have now finished the confusing ending if this chapter.

⚫️Jan Di⚫️

I lay in bed the next morning having decided that I'm not going to school ever again.

I was embarrassed about what had happened with Jun Pyo and to be honest I was terrified about what his repercussions would be this time.

I was also still confused about some of the things he said. He also seemed really mad at me for no reason that I knew of.

Probably because I rejected him in front of all the people at the Shin Hwa Cruise Party.

I thought he would be smug about what had happened at the party but not aggressive towards me.

"Jan Di!" I heard my mom holler as she burst inside my room. "Aren't you going to school?"

I didn't say anything until she walked over and pulled off my covers.

"I'm not going," I said quietly still keeping my eyes closed.

"You want me to beat you?" She asked me.

"I'm going to take the beating, and not go. So hit me." I told her, pulling the covers up back around me.

She jerked the covers off again and asked,"Seriuosly, Jan Di."

"I'm not going!" I yelled, finally opening my eyes and sitting up. "I can't go! I'd rather drown in the Mississippi River instead. I'm never attending that school again! If you want to see me die then tell me to go."

"But isn't it Saturday?" Kang San asked as stood in the doorway of my room, obviously hearing our argument.

It is! I forgot!

"Oh," My mother said, as she sat down on the bed next to me. 

"Also, some man told me to give this to Jan Di," Kang San told us as he reached to give me an envelope.

Before I could grab it my mother snatched it up and opened it.

I jumped out of bed and tried to look at it.

It was a decorative card printed on colorful paper with intricate designs.

You have been invited by Min Seo Hyun to celebrate her 23rd birthday party!

She will be having a small garden party at her family's home.

"Party!" My mother gasped.

When he heard that my dad rushed in my small bedroom that was now crowded with my whold family in it.

"Party?" He gasped. "Does this mean our Jan Di is making her entrance into high society? Oh Honey!!!"

"There's no time to waste! The party is tonight!" My mother exclaimed. "We have to find her a dress honey, dress!"

We spent the whole morning looking for a dress in our dry cleaning shop. We went through all of our customers clothing that had been brought in.

My family had me try on some of the most outlandish clothing you have ever seen.

As we were cleaning up our mess of clothing and all the outfits that didn't work, a lady entered the shop carrying a blue box with a large pink bow on top.

She looked around the room and walked over to me.

"Min Seo Hyun has sent this for Guem Jan Di," She told me before handing me the package.

"Thanks," I told her as she left, still in shock of this happening.

As soon as she left, my family grabbed the box from me and opened it.

When we look in side we saw a note from Seo Hyun.

Hope you can make it!

Wear this, it's perfect for you!

-Seo Hyun

We took off the wrapping to see that it was nice dress.

It was a short, sleeveless and black with intricately sewn cream patterns, it even had a black fur shrug to go with it.

I quickly tried it in, excited about having something so nice.

I fit me perfect and I was excited to have a new dress. All I need now were the perfect shoes.....


Surprisingly, I got ready and made to the party right on time for once in my life.

When I walked in I saw many people who were older than me at the party. I didn't know any of them.

It was a lavishly decorated party, quiet too.

A lot like Seo Hyun.

As I was walking around, I heard someone approach me and say from behind, "Honey, what took you so long? Why did you come so late?"

It was Yi Jung?

"Just go with it," he whispered in my ear.

He grabbed my hand while he spoke and lead me over to a table with more familiar faces.

Sadly, it was faces I wasn't very happy to see.

It was two of the F4 boys, Woo Bin and.............Jun Pyo!

Ughh! Of all people it had to be him!

I smiled politely at Woo Bin, before shooting Jun Pyo a nasty glare.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in his same emotionless tone.

"I came because Seo Hyun invited me," I told Jun Pyo in a not-so-friendly tone.

"Did you rob a department store or something?" he asked, looking up and down at my dress.

"I thought so last time too. Isn't Jan Di really pretty when she's spruced up?" Yi Jung asked.

"You aren't wrong," Woo Bin commented glancing over at me. "Out of everyone here tonight, you're the cutest."

That was sweet of them to say.

"What do you mean, cute? Does a squash become a watermelon if you draw lines on it or something?" Jun Pyo asked.

And of course, of all people, he would ruin the one compliment I did get.

Yi Jung and Woo Bin looked at Jun Pyo in shock.

"You actually got a saying right!" Woo Bin said.

Before we could say anything else we heard everyone applauding while looking towards a staircase.

We looked over to see Ji Hoo escorting Seo Hyun down the steps to greet the crowd of people in front of her.

When she got to the center of the room a few servers wheeled out a huge tiered birthday cake with flaming candles on top. Ji Hoo was then handed a violin and started playing 'Happy Birthday'. Once he began to play, everyone began singing the song.

As soon as the song had finished Ji Hoo practically threw his violin to one of the servers and rushed back the way he had just come with Seo Hyun.

No one but me probably noticed this though, because Seo Hyun began a speech that would end up surprising most of us in the room.

A/N: Sorry about this weird chapter and I hope I was able to help the chapter make more sense.

Thanks to all of you who continue to read my story! I really appreciate it!

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