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*Romans POV*

Dean had gone to some sea food place and I was confused why.. So me and Seth went in and saw him sitting alone looking threw a menu. We went over to him before someone sat with him.
"Sorry I came late. I heard what happened, and like I said, I'd come hang with my buddy." The guy said. We noticed him as Shane as we sat at a booth close by where they couldn't see us.
"Yeah.... I mean... It's cool... You didn't have too.. But.. Thanks..... I could use a little company..." Dean said with a bit of sorrow in his voice.
"Aww bud, it ain't a problem.. I'm here for you man.." Shane said.
"At least someone is..." Dean said. My heart started to hurt. Dean I'm sorry!...
"Always am man.." Shane said. "So lemme guess... Boiled crawfish?" Shane smirked.
"You know me." Dean chuckled.
"Aww yeah!" Shane laughed and smiled. Dean gave a small chuckle and smiled back at Shane. I felt a little jealousy....
"What about you? Gonna get crab?" Dean questioned.
"Aww ya know it!" Shane chuckled. "Man I am hungry tho.. They need to hurry."
"You said it... I could eat.." Dean said and Shane nodded.
"Yo waiter!" Shane said.
"Shane!" Dean said just above a whisper.
"What?" Shane laughed.
A waiter went to them. "Yes?"
"We're ready to order man!!" Shane said and Dean sighed and laughed.

{Shane and Dean} We're both crazy(COMPLETE!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora