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*WARNING. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS BLOODY CONTENT. READ AT YOUR OWN WILL. I HAVE WARNED YOU.* (It starts at the **** and ends at the **** Basically it's the match)

*Dean's POV*

Seth and Roman were talking while Shane was in the shower and I had been reading a book I had. Which reading is rare for me. We had RAW tonight but I had to face Undertaker.. Yay me... Maybe I'll win? I don't know. Probably not..

Shane came out once he was dressed and I proceeded to read until he came and sat next to me and stole my reading glasses.

"Hey." I said and looked at him as he put them on and smirked. 

"If you want 'em... It's gonna cost." He said. I raised an eyebrow but smirked and grabbed his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss before I stole my glasses back and smirked, leaving him dumbfounded as I put them back on. "Touche." I heard him smirk.

Once we made it to RAW I had been sneezing so much my nose was just so stopped up... I blew my nose out in my locker room and threw the tissue away before flopping onto the little couch they had.

"You good?" I heard Roman ask.

"I'm stopped up like hell man.." I respond.

"Mmm.. Hope you get better before your match..." He said. I only gave a nod. I was feeling sick now too.. Great. Why did it have to be today?! Everyone knows I have to fight Undertaker, especially the fans. Vince had announced it on Smack Down.. Since Shield was not getting along to well with him and I happened to slap him before we left... So yeah he's gonna kill me... 


Taker's theme played as I stood in the ring awaiting him. Shane, Roman, and Seth were at ringside. I watched as he walked out slowly and never broke eye contact with me. It kinda made me feel uneasy and I think I might die now.. At Taker's hands. God, I had to slap him?! He made his way to the ring still not breaking eye contact. I wanted too but it was like I was drawn in... He got in the ring and stood in front of me now and I looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow up as he looked down at me. I felt real uneasy but I had to play it cool. He looked to my shield members and I backed up one step and took my jacket off then turned and walked to the ropes and handed it to a ref outside the ring. I leaned against the ropes as the bell then rang and I smirked. He went at me but I back flipped over the ropes and got a steel chair and jumped onto the ring and smacked him in the face before jumping over. I smirked and kicked him in the head a few times before he got up and hit me with a low blow when the ref wasn't looking. I groaned and fell on my back, legs some what crossed. "SH*T!" I cussed and he smirked.

He then grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the turnbuckle and went for a pin but I got my foot on the rope and the ref canceled the pin and I smirked up at him before I was kicked in the face as I felt blood trickle down my nose. I got up before he tackled me down and punched me over and over in the face before I kneed him in the gut and he got off me holding his stomach. I stood up and saw blood all over my shirt now. Oh what ever! I shrugged it off and took my shirt off throwing it out the ring before I grabbed Taker and hit him with Dirty Deeds. I went for a pin but he kicked out and I groaned in annoyance. Taker sat up and then grabbed me and brought me out the ring before slamming my head into the announce table. He looked to shield and Shane and put me on the announce table and went to get on the top rope. I glared at him panting a bit but he didnt notice and jumped before I rolled off quickly and hit him with a some what RKO type of move threw the announce table as I lay on the floor, covered in blood now, panting. I some how got up and got me and Taker in the ring and went for a pin and got the 3 count.


I had went back to the showers and cleaned up all the blood off me and panted a bit, tired now, as I got dressed and got my bags. I need a nap.. So bad.. I headed to my rental truck and threw the bags in and felt arms around me and I leaned back into them and smiled. Shane smiled a bit and kissed my cheek. 

"You did good. I'm proud of you.." Shane said and I smiled. 

"Thanks..." I said and he nodded and smiled. "God but I need a nap.. A good one.." I said and he chuckled.

"When we get back why don't we cuddle and you can nap all you want?" He offered.

"I'd like that..." I said and he chuckled and kissed my neck but not long. 

"And tomorrow I'll give you your reward..." He smirked and I chuckled a bit and smiled. Shane gave me the best sex, I'll admit...

{Shane and Dean} We're both crazy(COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now