Faking an Injury

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*Dean's POV*

Vince agreed saying he wanted grandkids and I thought about maybe after this kid, like when they're 6 or so, me and Shane can have another... But that's later. Right now we're making the plan for my fake injury. Shield is okay with it too.
Sheamus and I had been becoming friends outside WWE,making with his boyfriend CM Punk, and he agreed to helping me fake an injury.

The bell rang and me and Sheamus locked up before I kicked him and hit him with dirty deeds. I went for a pin but he kicked out like planned. I ran at him before he brogue kicked me in the shoulder, which actually did move my shoulder out of place. I groaned in pain and held my shoulder.
"You okay Lad?" Sheamus whispered.
"No, but I will be..." I said. He nodded then hit me in the other shoulder but made it look like the same one as I fell to the ground and he went for a pin and got it as a doctor, who was up with this, ran to me as Sheamus left. Yet he noticed that the wound was real and my shoulder was out of place

{Shane and Dean} We're both crazy(COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now