Time Skip

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*It's been a year now. Dean won the US title, they're closer to getting married, and Shane still hasn't been able to have sex with Dean for about 2 years now XD.*

*Dean's pov*

I was in the ring as I leaned my arms on the ropes. Seth and Roman both beside me League of Nations were trying to talk us out of of the Summer Slam match but we weren't buying it. Shane was at ringside watching the match but I think mainly probably staring at my *** right now..

*Seth's POV*

My god if they don't shut up... I swear Rusev and Rio are the most annoying. We're friends with Sheamus and Barrett but my god.. Gag me with a spoon. And why do they always have boners when they come to fight?! Like keep if in your pants. Shield is taken too so... Calm down!

*Roman's POV*

I was listening to Rusev talk his gibberish and raised an eyebrow and picked my mic up.
"Hey how about you stop speaking gibberish man." I said and Rusev looked at me.
"Yeah yeah whatcha gonna do fatso?" Dean shot at him and I smirked. I liked it when Dean would get all cocky in a match.
Rusev started walking down here and Dean jumped the ropes and he stopped as Dean did that. I smirked as me and Seth slid out beside him. Dean smirked and walked towards Rusev. Sheamus and Wade stayed back before nodding to Dean. Wait.. What was going on?..

*Dean's POV*

Sheamus gave me a nod and I knew what to do. The two walked down before Wade grabbed Rio Sheamus grabbed Rusev. I kicked Rusev and Sheamus let go as I hit him with dirty deeds. Sheamus and Wade brought Rio closer and I did the same thing to him as Sheamus and Wade smirked and nodded to me before they left. I smirked as I looked to Shield and Roman smiled and nodded. Seth smirked.


I went backstage and stripped down in my locker room and hopped in the shower. The hot steaming water hit my back and I smiled a bit. God I needed this. I deserved this..
I nearly yelled when I felt arms around me but turned to see it was just Shane. I smiled and leaned against my man as he put his hands on my ribs and I put my hands behind me on his waist as he smirked and moved down towards my crotch.. I blushed but let him as he started to kiss my neck. I moved my head a little giving him more access.. I knew we wouldn't have sex in the shower but outside the shower is a different answer...
He moved his hands around my member and I slightly gripped harder onto his hips. He chuckled and bit down and sucked on my neck, repeating that in that one spot. I moaned in pleasure and gripped tighter onto him as he moved up and down my member giving me a hand job while he gave me a hickey...
"Mmm f^ck baby..." I groaned as Shane continued what he was doing. "Baby... Why don't we get out.. Do what we haven't done for two years now.. And then... We take a shower..." I said and chuckled a bit. God me and Shane haven't ha sex for like 2 years! I hope he f^cks the sh*t out of me!
"Couldn't have said it better baby..." He smirked as we got out before he slammed me up against the wall, his hands on my hips, and mine on his waist as he started to kiss me. I opened my mouth for him an we started to make out fiercely. Both of us already naked...
He tapped my hip signaling for me to jump, so I did, and he carried me to the bed and pushed me down.
"You locked the door right?" I asked. I don't want my co-workers to come in and see me and Shane having sex..
"Yeah baby. One step ahead." He smirked and held up a condom as well. I nodded before we started to make out again. I put my leg around him as he stood off the bed, between my legs. He put the condom on and smirked.
"Ready baby?" He said.
"As long as you do me hard..." I smirk and he nodded.
"You know it." He said. We might not be going doggy style right now, like normal gays or whatever, but some do it like we are now.. One on top of another like normal sex, but up the ***.. And that's how I liked it...
He entered me and I groaned pushing my chest up lightly as he lay on top me and smirked, starting to rock his hips at a fast pace. I put my hands on his hips and groaned in pleasure...
"Baby harder.." I groaned and he started to thrust into me hard. I moaned in pleasure as he got harder and started sort of 'ramming' into me. God I was loving it!
"God Dean!" He gasped, panting lightly. "Oh it's been too long baby!"
"God I know!" I groaned gripping onto his hips.
He had actually been going to fricking hard on me that literally, I'm surprised the bed didnt break! And I was loving how hard he got!! I missed this, so much. "Oh god baby!" I groaned feeling myself getting close. "I'm.... I'm gonna have to c-cum soon..." I moaned and he smirked.
"Do it baby...." He said panting lightly and let out a small groan. I moaned in pleasure as he then went deeper before pushing himself all the way in.
"F^CK!!!" I gasped as he smirked. "OOOH GOD BABY!!!" I moaned.
"Found it didn't I baby??" Shane chuckle and groaned a little in pleasure.
"Y-YES!!" I gasped as he started going harder. I moaned in pleasure loudly as he kept thrusting into me.
Our sex lasted about 18 minutes and finally he pulls out and threw the condom away before he lay beside me. I panted hard and smiled a bit.
"Baby I needed that..." I said panting and he nodded.
"Me too.. Badly baby." He said panting as well.
"I never thought a man could go so hard or pleasure so much." I said and smirked.
"Baby you can expect that from me... Especially if its been too long." Shane said and I smirked nodding.
"We need to take a shower though." I said an he nodded getting up as we headed to the showers and showered with one another but there was no sex.. But.. Was something else...

*Shane's POV*

"F^ck yes, Dean!" I moaned out as dean sucked on my member and licked up and down. I groaned in pleasure and leaned against the wall as Dean sucked me off still.
I moaned in pleasure as he then took me in all the way. God you don't know how good it felt! Now I know how he feels when I give him one.. It's pleasuring! "Oh god baby..." I groaned trying not to thrust into his mouth. But.. That didnt last long as Dean licked up my member and I bucked up my hips accidentally since I didn't expect that. He groaned in pleasure and I smirked.
"Oh you like it when I thrust into your mouth huh baby?" I smirked and he nodded and I smirked, lightly thrusting into his mouth as he groaned in pleasure and I smirked.

After the shower Dean had passed out in the car and I chuckled lightly and put a blanket over him. Seth, Roman, and Vince were talking with me though while Dean rest in the car and he happened to fall asleep, even though we are right by the car.. We were getting ready to go back to our hotel but I guess I really put him to sleep didn't I?... Guess I know how to put a man to a pleasured slumber then. But.. I'm not telling Vince we did that in the locker room... Or what happened in the shower... I was never gonna admit those things...
"So y'all were resting?" Seth said.
"Well dean was taking a long *** shower." I said.
"Guess it wasn't y'all then but I swear we heard a moan. But it did kinda sound like a female..." Roman said.
"Dude Dean's locker room isn't even near y'all's and I was watching TV anyway. He fell asleep in the shower though. So it wasn't us." I said making up something.
"Alright I believe ya." Vince said.
Oh few! Thank The Lord. Don't wanna get caught there.
"It was probably that slut Summer." I said. "Or Lana."
"Yeah probably." Seth said. Roman nodded in agreement and Vince thought.
"Probably..." He said. At least me and Dean weren't caught. Trust me, we both needed that so bad. And we for away with it, hell I even got a blow job.. And I loved it he can pleasure like a pro and that little tongue of his..
"Ah what ever," Seth said shrugging.
"Who cares?" I said and laughed a bit.
"Well you're not supposed to have sex at work. That's for the bedroom and hotels." Roman said.
"Unless you're like really kinky then no one knows where you'll do it." Seth said and I nodded. Dean was slightly kinky yet it wasn't bad. I mean we had done it on a table once.... In a hotel room we had.. But that's another story... Not going to go into detail on his kinks and all that crap.
"I might as well go pick up Dawson from Mom huh?" I said looking at Vince.
"I'll go get him, they're in my office still." He said and left. I waited for him with Seth and Roman.
"It might not have been y'all but y'all did it didn't you?" I heard Seth say and looked to him. He had a sly smirk on his face.
"Shut up..." I said and he and Roman laughed a bit.
"Oh I knew you couldn't keep your hands off Ambrose any longer!" Seth said laughing.
"Dude we hang had sex in 2 years! Of course I couldn't!" I said blushing.
"Dang 2 years?! I couldn't go 1." Roman said laughing lightly.
"Yeah he can be a pretty kinky b*stard," Seth said chuckling to himself.
"Eh I've used a collar and chain on Dean once like he had in CZW.. But we aren't big on the kinks..." I said.
"Ooooo gettin down!" Seth laughed.
"Doggy obeys master hmm?" Roman smirked.
"Shut up..." I hissed crossing my arms.
"So what have y'all done? Like kink wise." Roman said.
"Well tables have been involved... Uh... We did it at work... The shower I guess if that counts? Umm.. The dog chain... I've had him only do this once but hes called me daddy." I said.
"Eh I always call Roman that." Seth smirked. Roman nodded blushing a little bit. I laughed a bit.
"Eh I didn't like it but I wanted to try it out. He didn't like it either. Normally though he'll call me Kitten. Of I call him my Pooch." I said.
"Ooooo kink names hmm?" Seth smirked.
"Shut up." I said laughing a little.
"So he calls you kitten?" Roman asked.
"Mhmm I mean it's a new thing but yes." I said nodding.
"And you call him pooch?" Seth asked.
"Yep. Cause he's a hound of justice?" I said.
"Aah.." Seth nodded laughing a bit. Roman scoffed playfully. Vince returned with Dawson asleep and put him in his car seat. He was now a year and a half and he's learning to speak but as of now it has all been gibberish and baby talk. But me and Dean still like to talk to him sometimes and pretend we know what he's saying. It's quite adorable really. I buckled him up and then looked to Dean still asleep. I smile lightly as got out the car.
"Thanks dad." I said and got in the car and drove home with Dean and Dawson. I then noticed me and Dean's wedding is in a few months on July 22, Shawn's birthday cause Shawn is like a dad to Dean so y'know. We wanted to do that for Shawn so it would be his birthday and our anniversary. I smiled at the thought of me and Dean getting married when Dawson would be 2. Cause his birthday is July 5th. I looked to him and smiled then looked at Dean still asleep and chuckled lightly before watching the road. I had to get my 2 boys home safely.

*2124 words!! OMG!! New record!!!! Lol did y'all like the chapter?? ;3 I added a sex scene just for y'all and I'm planning on doing a LOT more*

{Shane and Dean} We're both crazy(COMPLETE!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora