Seth and Roman meet Dawson

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*Seth's POV*

Dean had told us he had a baby and I was so proud of those two!! Me and Roman are planning on having kids some day but not yet. We want to wait. Like when we're married. But today Dean and Shane are allowing us to come over and see Dawson.
I took a shower after Roman and just threw on jeans and a shirt before we went to Dean and Shane's place in Texas. Luckily we were in a hotel in Dallas.
When we finally got there, we were greated by a barking as I looked to their yard and saw a beautiful Belgian Malinois. I looked to the other yard and saw they had 7 horses. And like 2 ponies. I smiled and went to the door and knocked. Roman was beside me. After a moment or two I heard the door unlocking as Shane opened the door.
"Hey Shane." I said.
"Ah y'all didn't get lost?" Shane joked.
"Surpassingly." Roman said and chuckled lightly.
"Ah, well come in. Dean's on the couch in the living room." Shane said as we walked in. I nodded and went to the living room. Dean had been watching TV with an adorable little baby asleep on his chest with a blanket around them. I smiled and sat by them.
"Dean he's adorable." I said while Roman sat next to me. Shane sat on the other side of Dean.
"Thanks man. He's about 2 months now." Dean said and I smiled.
"Aaww!" I laughed a bit.
He nodded and kept his arm around Dawson to keep him from falling or anything. I smiled, Dean was a good father figure.
"So what does he call you and Shane?" Roman asked.
"He'll call Dean Pappy and me Daddy I guess. That's just what I had been calling Dean when I would talk to him, whether he was in Dean's stomach or these past 2 months." Shane said.
"Awww! That's adorable!" I said and smiled as Dean nodded, putting his hand lightly on Dawson's back. Dean was a good father. I knew he'd be perfect for this.
"So you two ever planning on kids?" Shane asked.
"Well yes actually." Roman said. I nodded.
"Just not yet. Maybe like in a year or two." I added.
"Lemme tell ya Seth, it hurts that last moment. But it's all worth it." Dean said.
"And who said I would be the one getting pregnant?" I said. Dean cocked an eyebrow up and looked at me with a straight face, mentally saying 'really you idiot?' "Okay yeah it's probably gonna be me..." I said. Roman smirked lightly at that and I slapped his stomach playfully.
"Ow?" He chuckled. I leaned against him and laughed a bit.
"So dean do you think he's your only?" I asked.
"3 is my limit. But no." Dean said.
Shane shook his head. "Nope. We're planning like in 6 years for another or something." He said.
I nodded. "Nice. Well I wish y'all luck," I said with a smile. Dean smiled and nodded.
"Really we are planning when Dawson is 6." Dean said.
"Ooh." I said, nodding.
"And what if you end up with twins?" Roman chuckled.
"3 is STILL my limit." Dean said and Shane laughed a bit and nodded.
"I ain't dealing with like 10 kids." He said.
"God I would not put my body threw that." Dean said and I laughed lightly.
"Well alright then, I mean my limit is 3 or 4. I mean I don't care if I only have one kid, I'm just saying my limit is like 4." I said.
Dean nodded and chuckled lightly. "I understand that. But trust me once you've had a kid you want another." He said and I laughed a bit.
"Probably." I said.

{Shane and Dean} We're both crazy(COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now