Coming back

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It had been hours since anyone had seen Dean until finally Renee found him sitting outside the stadium now on the back of his truck, smoking. She ran to go get Shane and Vince as the two went to talk with Dean. They brought Charlotte along with them. They had went where Renee said and Dean was sitting on the back of his truck, on the tail gate, beer in hand, cig in his other/mouth. It hurt Shane to see him smoke.

"Dean...." Vince said and Dean blew the smoke out his mouth and turned to them. "Look, Shane didn't kiss Charlotte... She kissed him.. Ain't that right?" Vince said.

"It's true... I was jealous of y'all.... I'm sorry....' She said and Dean looked down at her with an unforgiving look before he turned away putting the cigar back to his mouth breathing it in. Vince and Shane looked at him before he jumped down and blew the smoke out.

"I'm afraid I can't forgive you.." He said and looked at his cigar. "And so you remember that...." He took it and placed it on her neck as it burned her and he pulled it away throwing it on the ground. Vince knew she deserved it and Shane looked at Dean and asked for a hug. Dean looked at him but sighed and smiled a bit and hugged him. Vince smiled at the two.

*yey!! they're okay!! Now I need some sleep. Love y'all! <3 I'll be sure to update tomorrow. I don't have play practice.*

{Shane and Dean} We're both crazy(COMPLETE!)Where stories live. Discover now