Eighteen- Oh No This Is Not A Date.

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It seemed to me that Logan most defiantly did deliver. I was accepted by a few people after my little charade with the song. Not everyone wanted me around, but I didn't care.

"Just so you no, I don't like you, I never have and I never will. Leave Logan alone and stay out of my way or I'll make your life hell." A short girl named Holly sneered as she stood in front of seven other girls who sneered along with her.

"Am I suppose to be scared of you and your minions?" I laughed in her face.

"Watch your back Lewis." She screamed and marched off, her group shooting me dirty looks and running after her.

That's the thing, I was fine with that. I've learnt that you can't please everyone, people are bound to dislike you, it meant your doing something right. As long as I had a few people on my side, I could deal with the rest.

Logan, I and around ten other people were now sat around a large circular red lunch table laughing and joking, talking about their life here in New York and my life back in London, earning glares from the short girl and her 7 pets from earlier who was sat at the next table. I'd learned that her name was Sophie.

'Where's your favourite place in London?" A girl named Charlie asked.

"Erm, probably Camden. It's literally the coolest place ever. Its like the home of piercings and tattoo's. Theres the best food shops and markets that sell the nicest clothes. If you ever go to London, make sure you visit Camden." I smiled, thinking about the first time Renee Harper and I went to Camden. Lets just say it was a funny day, eventful, but funny.

After more questioning from them and from me, and a list of things I needed to do in New York before I left in my hand, the lunch bell rang, signalling the end of the day, and to my surprise, I felt sad that this week was over.

Today I got everything I wanted; a few people behind me, to sit and have lunch with, to laugh and work with. Which I was pleased about. I hugged my new friends goodbye and promised I'd meet up with them all before I went home, and left to go and meet Andy.

Normally when I got outside the main building, Andy would already be waiting to drive me home, but this time it was different. He wasn't there despite me being out ten minutes later than usual, which was odd. I tried calling but I was greeted by his answer machine.

Where the hell was he? It's not like him to be late..

Just as I was really starting to worry, a pair of hand's snaked from behind my head and covered my eyes. What the?

"I called you ride home and cancelled. Thought I'd drive you home so you can spend twenty minutes thanking me and telling me what a god I am." A slightly familiar American accent said from behind me.


Yanking his hands from my face, I turned to face him.

"We'll isn't that kind of you!" I smiled sarcastically as he started to walk in the direction of the car park.

I didn't have a ride home so I had no choice but the follow him.

We stopped at sleek truck. It was as black as night, with silver decor and a Nissan symbol sitting on the front. It was the nicest car I've ever seen.

I'd always loved big cars and dreamed of getting one like this since I passed my driving test.

"Nice car." I said as I ran my hand along the back open boot, mesmerised.

"Really? It's not really a car a chick could appreciate, I'm surprised." He asked as he scratched his head.

"That's just sexist" I frowned, "I've always wanted a big car like this. I'm in love.."

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