Twenty Nine- Meet The Family.

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"Leukaemia, as in cancer? Is this some kind of sick joke?" I said, dazed.

"I really, really wish it was. But, we have to run more tests. But from what we saw in your bloods, you do have leukaemia. Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia to be precise. I know this is difficult for you to wrap your head around, but we can support you in every way you need it." He said sincerely.

There was a high pitched buzz screaming in my ears and a gigantic lump had formed in my throat out of no where.

"I can't have cancer. I don't have cancer. I feel fine, I don't feel sick at all. I can't die." I sobbed.

"Leukaemia is a different type of cancer. Unlike the rest, where you get a lump or an odd shaped mole, leukaemia is silent. Apart from the odd headache, you wouldn't even know you had it. CML is dangerous because most of the time there are no symptoms, but when you catch it in time, it can be controlled. So thank the person who brought you in to donate blood, because they have just saved your life. Now, listen to what I just said. And take that in, you are not going to die okay? Cancer doesn't automatically mean death. There are tons of treatment plans we can try." He said, turning his attention towards his computer.

I couldn't stand being in this stupid tiny room listening to the doctor tap away at his keyboard any longer. So I did what I do best, I ran.

I heard Logan and the doctors protests, but I needed to get out of that that place, fast. All the way through the hospital, past the slutty receptionist and out the doors. I ran and ran and ran until my lungs were heaving and my legs where burning.

I didn't know where I was running too, but I knew what I was running from. Cancer.

I don't no how long I was sprinting for, but I felt like if I didn't stop, I'd pass out.

I crouched over, resting my palms on my knee's and attempted to steady my breathing.

My phone had been non stop vibrating in my pocket, I'd had missed calls and worried text's from everyone. Logan, the hospital, Renee, Harper, and even my dad. They'd obviously found out by now but I couldn't bring myself to speak to any of them, because that would make it all to real.

I slid down the concrete wall that was supporting my body, not even registering the pain that was caused by my shoulder blades grazing against the rough bricks. The numbness was starting to ware off and feelings was starting to kick in.

I let the tears that had built up start to fall which rapidly progressed into sobbing. My body started to violently shake and my mind began to race.

To top of my wonderful day, the rain started to pour, matching my tears and my clothes soaked through. You no when people say they've had the worst day? Well they wanna try being told they have cancer.

I leaned my head back and rested it on the brick wall behind me, all I could think about was how dirty I felt, the blood inside me was diseased and it was pumping through my veins. And there wasn't a thing I could do about it.

After another hour of sobbing my heart out, a car pulled up on the curb in front of me, but I didn't even have the energy in my body to lift my head and see who it was.

"London, a-are you ok?" Logan whispered as he slid down the wall next to me and pulled me into his arms, causing me to sob even more.

"I'm so scared Logan." I said through my sobs.

"London, I promise you that your going to be okay. Do I ever break my promises?" He said as he rocked me in a child like motion.

"You shouldn't promise me that." I whimpered.

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