Twenty- Make A Wish.

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"Sleeping beauty, wake up. We're here." Logan whispered gently.

I was still buckled into my seat in the car, my neck stiff due to sleeping with my head leant against the window. The sun had set at some point when I was sleeping and the sky was covered by a black vail, illuminated by thousands and thousands of twinkling stars, dancing in the nothingness.

I looked around at our surroundings on the ground. We it appeared to me that we was in a huge, empty field.

Logan was banging about in the open back of the truck, so I stepped out and rounded the car, jumping up and perching myself on the side.

"Logan, what are we doing here?" I asked curiously.

"Tonight is a meteor shower. And this is the best place to watch it." He grinned.

And that's when I noticed what he was doing. He'd filled the open top boot with 6 duvets and a gazillion pillows.

"We're watching it out here?" I asked, my eyebrows shooting up as the slight breeze wrapped around my body, causing my teeth to chatter.

"We are indeed. But don't worry, I knew you'd freeze, so I bought a few jumpers. And we have duvets too.." He smiled, jumping down and grabbing things from inside the truck.

He turned the radio on and soft music began to play in the back ground, causing me to smile. He came back out and threw me a jumper and then slid one on for himself.

"Are you ready for the greatest night of your life?" He grinned, looking so young with the boyish smile dancing on his face. His eyes were lit up like a kids were on Christmas and his body was literally vibrating with excitement, and it was beginning to rub off on me.

"Thank you Logan, this is perfect." I grinned goofily.

We both sat down on the pillows and I pulled the blanket up to my neck, sighing with happiness.

"Can I call this a date yet?" He asked, looking over at me as he rested his head back on three pillows.

"I don't date." I replied.

"Well, that's lonely." He chuckled.

"Not at all!" I grinned.

There was a comfortable silence around us and I sighed with happiness. This was another night that I'd add to my 'Moments To Remember Forever' pile.

"Have you ever seen a meteor shower?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Nope, living in London makes it impossible. There's to much light to see the stars." I frowned, thinking about what I had missed out on.

"Your going to love it. Stars are my favourite. When I was a kid, my dad would bring me here on nights like this and point out all the constellations, it was like our thing." He smiled his boyish smile, causing the corner of his eyes to crinkle.

"Show me." I said contently.

"Well, you see them four stars over there, with three stars pointing down? That's called 'The Little Bear And The Polaris', the star right at the end is the brightest star in the sky." He said as he pointed to exactly what he was describing.

"And over there.." He pointed to a jumble of beautifully bright stars, "Is the Gemini star, it's called 'Castor & Pollux' and it's shaped like two people. It's my favourite because it's my star sign."

"Creative, adventures, clever and charming." I laughed at his star sign traits.

"Yep, that's defiantly me." He winked.

"Your also superficial, devious, restless and indecisive if your star sign is correct.. Sounds about right." I teased.

"Okay miss perfect, what's your sign?" He said with a smug grin on his face.

"Taurus." I replied.

"Ahh, now if your star sign is correct, your emotional, tick, short tempered, tick, serious, tick. Oh and stubborn, big tick!" He teased.

"Your forgetting reliable, sensitive, big hearted, hopeless romantic and practical!" I defended.

"Hopeless romantic huh?" He grinned, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Well, not me. But the rest of my fellow Taurus's are." I replied, a warm blush filling my cheeks.

"What's up with this big and tough no heart act you have going on?" He asked genuinely.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"You don't date, you don't seem to care really. It's like you don't have a heart in there at all." He questioned. I searched his face for any form of humour, but it appeared to be deadly serious.

"Well, the best way to not get your heart broken is pretend you don't have one. I don't believe in love, it's just a silly illusion that breaks people. It's how I get through life unharmed." I answered honestly.

I noticed how observant Logan actually was. Not many people picked up on my lack of emotions.

He cocked his head to the side deep in thought, looking right at me, but not actually at me, his mind was somewhere away with the starts above us.

"What are you thinking about?' I asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable under his gaze.

"I'm thinking that you do have a heart, you do have feelings but your scared of getting hurt so you act like you don't. You put up walls so people can't get in. But I'll tell you a secret London," He said as leaned in closer so his mouth was positioned next to my ear causing me to shiver, "I can see straight though your act."

I didn't no what to say. What are you suppose to say when a person you met not even a week ago hits the nail on the head even though people who have known you your whole life couldn't point it out? But there was no way I was going to admit to that, so I gave him a light shove and laughed at him.

"Logan, I'm afraid you have me all wrong. Couldn't be further from the truth." I grinned, trying to lighten the mood and change the direction of the conversation. "No body falls in love with me."

"Well London, I think you've just laid down a challenge, bring it on!" He joked with a playful glint shining from his eyes.

"I'm warning you Logan, don't fall in love with me. I'll break your heart."

"I'll be the judge of th.." And before he could finish his sentence, a million stars exploding in the sky, creating a blanket of glitter above us.

Logan turned to face me smiling, "Make a wish London.."

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