Thirty Four- Nose Bleed.

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Saturday. The day for party's. The day for going out with your friends and letting loose. For taking down your hair and drinking your own body weight in tequila. The day for celebrating the end of another week that's passed.

Or, if your me, the day for staying home and doing pretty much the opposite. It was currently eight o'clock on a Saturday evening and I was home alone reading a book in front of a crackling fire. Sounds nice? Not when you had the hips of an eighty year old. It had been two days since I was put on my trial drug, and it sucked majorly.

My bones ached like I'd been ran over by a steam train, I had dark circles under my eyes that made me look like is been on crack for no less than a week straight, my ankles had swollen and had started to represent those of a six month pregnant lady and my mouth would randomly start to bleed and literally fill up like a gushing tap. To say I was a mess would be an understatement.

I had called Craig at lease seventeen times to ask if I was suppose to be turning into someone closely representing an actual real life zombie, but each time he'd told me, and I quote that it was 'perfectly normal' and my body was adjusting to the drug.

Adjusting? I literally felt like my body was decomposing by the second. I felt gross and icky, and I just wanted to sleep for an eternity. But every time I felt like I needed to cry or to call Renee, who was at work to moan about how crappy I felt, I remembered chemo. I remembered how bad the people roaming around the hospital department I was now under looked. I remembered the wires sprawling from their chest, and then I remembered the smiles on their faces and the 'good day to you' they would mutter as the shuffled past, drip I'm hand.

And I also remembered hazel grace in 'The fault In Our Stars' but that wasn't a good idea because every time I did, I cried a little so I tried to avoid that thought.

Now on to the subject of the real life human satan, or Logan as normal people who hadn't been told in basic words that they wasn't good enough by him would call him. If you hadn't already guessed, I was still mad. I just didn't get his freak out. You can't just claim to love someone and then brush them aside when things don't go how you imagined them to. You don't do that to someone you 'love'.

This was the second and a half day I'd been trying not to moan to myself constant and I needed a pick me up. The only human I'd came into contact with in the last sixty eight hours was the pizza delivery guy and Renee.

Renee had been taking some extra classes over the last week to sharpen up on time for when we start school on Sunday and had even managed to land herself a dance job after being sent of to an audition by Phil. She basically got dressed down in these cool animal type clothing pieces with feathers and spots and stripes and other things animal like, then got body painted and danced in a cage in one of the biggest and hottest clubs in the city. Not my thing, but I was proud of her.

As you can imagine, that meant I hardy saw any of her because of classes and work, so I was feeling down. I grabbed my laptop and flopped back down on the sofa. Even that was tiring on my fragile body.

"Harper! I've missed you so much!" I yelled into the camera.

"Jesus Christ Rhi, what chewed you up and spat you out!" She laughed through the laptop screen.

"Hey, leave me alone okay! I'm going through a phase I like to call 'self pity' and I'm really enjoying it, don't ruin my fun!" I giggled as I ran my hand through my tangled lions mane, former known as my hair.

We both burst out laughing at how bad I looked. My sides started to ache so I blew some air through my nose, trying to regain my regular breathing pattern.

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