Twenty Eight- Returning.

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The sun was slowly setting and the sky was growing darker and darker with each second that passed. The water below us pattered lightly, causing a relaxed vibe to linger thick in the air.

The temperature was nice too. Still summery, but the need for a jacket was in place. It was the perfect evening to let off our lanterns.

"This was such a good idea, I don't no why I didn't think of it." Logan grinned as he glanced into the direction of the sun thoughtfully.

I'd given them each a lantern and we stood directly in the middle of Brooklyn bridge, just like we had in my dream. We decided to wait until the sun disappeared completely to let them off.

There was a silence lingering, but it was comfortable, we was each just staring into the distance, waiting for the final seconds to tick by and for the sky to be covered with the black veil.

Harper turned and faced us all, "Lets make this a tradition. No matter where we are in the world, what we are doing or who we're with. Every year, just like today, on the fifth of July, we come back to this very spot and let of lanterns. I'm going home, but my hearts still going to be in New York and I think we owe it to each other to spend at least one day to remember this amazing journey." She smiled.

We all nodded in agreement, "I think that's a great idea. Fifth of July, every year even when were old and grey." I grinned.

"Five, Four, Three, Two, One!" We all yelled, but before we was able to reach zero, the sun disappeared and the light that that the sun had cast slowly slid away and was replaced by a beautiful black sky, the stars gradually making an appearance.

"Are we all ready?" I asked them.

They nodded as I handed Harper a lighter to begin.

"To everlasting friendship." She smiled as she lit the string inside the lantern and slowly let go, letting it drift off into the darkness. Harper handed Renee the lighter.

"To dreams and un-doable love." She gave Jordan a small peck on the cheek and flashed us with a toothy grin.

"To the journey." Jordan smiled thoughtfully as she let her lantern go and watched as it got swallowed up in the blackness.

Logan looked at me as he lit the string on his lantern. "To the girl who brought us all together and made this happen, the dreamer, the do-er, the one who see's possibility in everything and everyone. To London." He said as he let his lantern go.

I took a deep breath and thought about what I felt was worthy of acknowledging. And to be honest, everything I had in that moment right there was worth it. My family, my friends, my career, my dreams, my passion, these three amazing girls who I'd learned I couldn't live without and this guy that was slowly chipping away at the ice walls around my heart.

"To life as we know it."

We all silently watched as our lanterns danced off into the night and joined the twinkling starts. I felt like a bit of all of us left with them, connecting as they left on a journey of their own.


I woke up to the sound of my ringtone ripping through the early morning silence. It was 6am in, who the hell would be calling at a ridiculous time like this?

Groaning as I rolled over and grabbed my phone of my bed side table, I checked the caller ID but the number wasn't saved.

"Hello?" I squeezed, my voice thick with sleep.

"Hello Mrs Lewis? It's Doctor Johnson calling. I'm sorry to call you so early but I desperately need speak to you." He said down he phone, something about the tone of his voice made me alert and sit up.

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