Thirty- Party In The USA.

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The blackness was starting to fade and my mind was becoming sharper and sharper as the seconds passed.

There was a light pain in my lower back where my hip bone was, but it was bearable, uncomfortable at the most.

I cranked my eyes open and took in my surroundings. I was lying in a hospital bed, wearing nothing but a hospital gown in the after surgery recovery room.

I reached down and grabbed on to my wrist to check my charm bracelet was still there. It had become one of my most favourite possessions and I was still yet to take it off.

Unlike the normal doom and gloom hospital rooms, this one was alight with colour. Because I was still eighteen, I was classed as a kid, so I got my treatment on the kids ward. Which if I may say so was the coolest place on this earth.

The rooms where themed and painted beautifully on each wall was a difference scene. The room I was in was under the water themed and on the walls was exactly that.

The water was a light shade of blue and reminded me of the time my dad, my mum and I went to Italy. I remember standing knee deep in the crystal clear water and watched as the tiny silver fished weaved their way around my legs. I felt beautifully free. It was amazing.

A huge dolphin was placed at the top of the wall, diving between the waves graciously and the rest of the water was filled by a rainbow of colourful sea creatures.

The colours really changed the atmosphere in the place and I think for the first time in my life, I was great full for my age.

Logan was perched in a chair to the left of my bed, he chest slowly rising and falling as he slept.

A small smile spread across my face, as it always did when Logan slept. There was just something so peaceful and calming about a sleeping Logan. I sat watching Logan for a good 20 minutes, until the door swung open and Craig bounced in wearing his professional 'at work' face as he clutched a clipboard.

"Hey. How you feeling?" He asked as he scanned over the pieces of paper clinging onto the clipboard.

"I'm fine. Just my hips aching and I feel like I could sleep for years. Is that normal?" I asked as I sat upright, winching slightly at the dull throbbing pain in my lower back.

"Very normal. Basically what we did was drill into your hip and remove a tiny bit of your bone and the spongy stuff inside, or the marrow as us medicals would call it. So yeah, your going to be a bit sore for a few days. Whilst you fly back to London and pack your stuff up for your semester here, you're bone marrow gets sent to the lab and then examined to see how far gone the cancer is. From then, we determine the next steps regarding your treatment. Sound okay to you?" He asked, expecting me to take that huge piece of information in at once.

"Erm, yeah. Gimme a second to digest that all. Anaesthetic and big medical words don't mix well." I laughed.

"Now, you seem well enough to leave. Just don't do anything drastic and get plenty of rest. If you start to feel dizzy or sick, get Logan to bring you in straight away. Have a safe flight back to London and i'll see you in a week." Craig smiled.

"Thanks Craig, I'll see you then." I replied as he left the room.

I slipped out from the creaky hospital bed and grabbed my bag containing my clothes. After changing out of the faded grey hospital gown and into my tracksuit, I wandered stiffly back into my room, making sure nothing came into contact with my plastered hip.

"Logan.." I whispered "Wake up."

After sighing heavily and rolling over awkwardly in the too small for his body hospital chair, Logan's eyes slowly fluttered open and he sat up.

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