Chapter four

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Liz's POV

It had been a day since I found Eli in the forest and he was laying in the hospital bed, looking pale and depressed. Not surprising really, he had just attempted to kill himself. The boys were taking shifts keeping an eye on him and me. CC was sat next to me at the minute, staring worriedly at the sleeping boy.

"Are you alright? I imagine this brings back memories"

"I failed in a different way. It was totally different to this. The wound wasn't deep, I was released within a couple of hours. Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for him. I'm fine"

"Alright. Just, if you need some help, or just some support, tell me or any of the others. We're here for you"

"Thanks but seriously, I am fine. I'm living with you guys, I'm in a band, we're playing a festival soon, life is awesome. Besides, suicide wasn't any fun at all" I laughed.

CC was silent after that, staring at Eli again.

Twenty minutes of comfortable silence later, Eli opened his eyes and sat up.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Hungry and tired"

"Alright. I'll find a nurse" I said, leaving the room.

I found a nurse and we went back to Eli's room.

*le time skip*

Andy had just gone to sign Eli's release papers. I was in the waiting room, waiting for Eli to get dressed. Soon, me, Eli and Andy were walking home.

Three people jumped out from an alleyway behind us and knocked Eli and Andy out using chloroform. I managed to avoid it by elbowing my attacker in the stomach, knocking him over. I ran to the van Andy and Eli had been thrown into and jumped in, hiding in a dark corner. The door slammed shut and the van started up, driving away. Around thirty minutes into the journey, Andy started to stir.

"Shh, we've been kidnapped. You were chloroformed. I have no idea where we are" I whispered.

The van stopped and Andy and Eli were dragged out of the van, me still hiding. Andy was flailing his arms, trying to get free. I followed them into an abandoned building, where they were dumped on the floor.

One of the attackers grabbed Eli's wrist and tore out the stitches, reopening the wound and making blood drip everywhere. Andy screamed, making the attacker kick him in the face. Soon, the attacker left and I was free to run into the room, to Andy and Eli. Eli was unconscious and Andy was bruised and depressed.

"Liz! Please, h-help him!" Andy cried. I placed my finger over my lips, signalling that he should be quiet. I tore strips off my shirt again, binding Eli's forearms.

"We've been locked in here. We need to get out" I whispered.

"Any ideas? They would be welcome at this point"

"Incidentally, I have been kidnapped before. I've got this" I said. I whispered the plan to Andy and he nodded, agreeing with my idea.

Twenty minutes later, the plan was in action. A guard/kidnapper entered the room. I jumped out from behind the door and wrapped my arm around his throat, shoving my thumbs into pressure points behind his ears and knocking him out.

Andy picked up Eli and we ran out of the room, running to the van and driving away, me having stolen the keys.

"Andy, he is loosing a lot of blood! Get us to a hospital!" I screamed. We pulled in to the car park and I picked up Eli, running inside while Andy parked the van.

"Please, this boy is dying" I cried to the receptionist. A couple of nurses came running and took Eli away from me, carrying him to a different ward.

Andy walked in and saw me, sitting in the waiting room, covered in Eli's blood.
Twenty minutes later, a nurse came into the waiting room.

"Guardian of Eli Blythe?" Called the nurse.

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