Chapter twenty

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Just wanna say, I have no fucking idea where LA is, or wether it is near a port. It's in America, that's all I know. I also have no idea if you can get a ferry from America to England. I'm English, I've never been to america, piss off (I'm kidding, ily I'm sorry)

Liz's PoV

We woke up super early and drove to the dock, Tony driving the bus with me in shotgun, occasionally swapping places so Tony can go to the bathroom. It took us about five hours to drive to the dock, with two hours waiting to board.

Jaime and Kellin were asleep, jack, Alex and Vic were playing some sort of card game and the others were watching some crap on the tv.

We had to leave our vehicles on the boat so I picked up Kellin bridal-style and carried him into a lounge area where I sat down, allowing him to sleep on my lap. Jack had Jaime and did the same. Vic and Rian went to buy coffee, leaving the rest of us here.

"Alright, guys, we need to get Kellin and Vic together" I whispered once of was sure Kellin was asleep, "they're quietly pining for each other and we need to help them. Okay?"

I was greeted by whispers of "sure" and "I agree".

"Right, plan one is to give a sleeping Kellin to Vic. Then we get them to go for food and stuff, get everything we need. I could run back to the bus before night and dump a load of water in Kellin's bed, pretending I left my water bottle on my bunk and it fell off. Then, Vic feels bad mad let's Kellin share his bed. Okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I think it needs to happen. We will 'accidentally' slip innuendos into conversation and be generally inappropriate when they are together, it will give us more proof. We always need that" Mike suggested.

"Yeah, good idea"

"Wait, isn't Kellin really messed up after his divorce? And he never sees Copeland" Tony whispered to me.

"I've got a idea for that. Don't worry"

At that moment, Kellin started to stir and sit up.

He looked at me weirdly, while asking why he was in my lap.

"Well, my friend, you fell asleep on the bus. I carried you out here. As you can see, Jaime is still asleep"

"Oh, um, okay then. Well, I need to use the bathroom, we will be on this blasted boat for a couple of days anyway"

"Do any of you guys know Oli Sykes?" I asked as Kellin left.

"Isn't he the guy from Bring Me The Horizon?" Replied jack, quietly so as not to wake Jaime.

"Yeah, he is. I met his a few years back and we still talk regularly, be it via text or Skype. Anyway, we have three days before the tour officially starts, I was planning to get the train to Sheffield and surprise him. You all okay with That? He helped me with my add-" I stopped before I revealed something I didn't want to.

"Okay then, yeah, that sounds good. I'm assuming you want to go alone?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, if that's okay. I know the others- Frank especially, and maybe CC- will not approve of me going galavanting across the country so could you please give me backup?"

"Of course! Will you be bringing him back on tour with us?" Tony asked.

"No, he has a wife, Hannah, and he won't leave her"

That night, everyone was back on the bus, asleep. All except me, that was laying, awake in bed. Beneath me, Kellin was tossing and turning (I decided against tipping water in his bed) and generally being disruptive. He let out a loud scream indicating he was having a nightmare.

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