Chapter Twenty Nine

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Liz's PoV

I woke with a start and shot into a sitting position, forgetting that I was in a bunk.

"Son of a bitch!" I exclaimed, holding my forehead.

"Watch your fûcking language!" Ben yelled from the front lounge.

"Go fuck yourself, dickhead" I replied, trying to stand up. I forgot that I couldn't see without glasses though, and everything was blurry.

I tried to stumble through to the front lounge but I smacked into the wall by the door, before tripping over a coffee table.

"Fuck my life. I get out of a fucking coma, only to realise that I am almost completely blind and I can't get a coffee without breaking something! Ben, can you please help me find my glasses?" I asked, tripping again and landing on the sofa. Ben started giggling before standing up.

"I swear to god, Ben, if you have taken my glasses, I will rip your dick off and shove it so far up your arse that you are tasting foreskin for weeks" I threatened.

"She is just like you, Ben" laughed an exotic male voice, after the owner of the voice left the bathroom. I squinted over and saw the blurry outline of a brown fringe.

Ben handed me my glasses and I thanked him, before putting them on.

"Ah, I forgot how nice it was to see shit. Wait, Denis Stoff?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Yep, that's me! Hi!"

"Holy shit! Ben! It's Denis!"

"Yes Liz, it is" Ben replied in a mocking voice, as if he was talking to a small child.

"Fuck you" I muttered.

"I'm sure you'd love to" he replied. I snorted loudly before shaking my head.

"I'm going to get a shower, see you in a bit. Make coffee" I said, jumping up and walking to the back of the bus.

Twenty minutes later, I was dressed, with my makeup done and meds taken. I had to take pain killers too.

"Contacts, huh?" Asked Ben, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I like being able to see shit"

"Right.  My Chemical Romance, All Time Low and Kellin are going home today, Pierce The Veil left yesterday, we still need to talk to Ash and Frank. All Time Low are taking the bus back to America with them to give to Pierce The Veil so Sam is bringing our bus down from the garage in Manchester"

"Right. What about Oli?"

"He is going today too. Cam and James have gone food shopping. Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco have continued with their tour, I've explained everything to them"

"Thanks, I appreciate it"

"Also, Ash and Frank are on their way here. They should be here in about five minutes. What do you want to tell them?"

"Well, not about how mentally fûcked I am. Maybe that I am your student and I'm tagging along with the band to further my education?"

"Yeah, I was thinking the same. Jesus, we got all serious there"

"I know, it was weird. Let's never do that again"

Denis came back inside after smoking and smirked at me.

"Damnit, quit being gorgeous! You put gods to shame" I spluttered jokingly, causing Denis to snicker.

"Quit hitting on my vocalist, I thought we had something!" Cried Ben.

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