Chapter Thirty One

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Liz's POV

"What's the funniest nickname you've given someone?" Asked the interviewer, Amber. I had done a load of interviews and this was the last one of the day.

"Well, In my phone address book, I've got Vic from Pierce The Veil as Victurd Fuentits, although he put it there. Also there's Jaime which is dick tacos. They put their own names in my phone when I left it out and I fell asleep. The Tony Perry is Perry the platypus and Mike is Santana. They just tend to dick around a lot" I replied, causing Amber to giggle. She was extremely attractive and funny and cool, asking good questions.

"I heard you'd released an album a couple of months ago, named Deafening Silence. What was the idea behind it?"

"Well, it's about abuse, mostly. It's about pretending to be fine when you're not and how it's okay to speak out"

"And, there's a song on there, 'Blades', that has the lyric 'put down the blades, you'll be okay. I'll help you find the way'. Who was that about?"

"My friend, Eli. He was killed after I found he had tried to attempt. That song is his"

"Wow, touching. So, who did the backup instruments on the album?"

"Me. I did them"

"On your own?"

"Yep! I recorded it all then ran it together"

"That's awesome, and you're only sixteen?"

"Yeah. I'm touring in three months"

"A long time after the release of the album"

"It is but it's my first album and I need some people to know who I am so they buy tickets" I laughed.

"You're a massive inspiration to the whole alternative community, you sprang out of nowhere and made music, your own way. There's everything on that album, even folk with bagpipes and violin, obviously there's all the hardcore stuff in there too. How did you pull off screaming and bagpipes?"

"I have no idea. It came to me in the shower. I was screaming 'Spirits' because it was lacking something. I already knew I wanted the violin in there, then I just heard bagpipes in my head, learned to play bagpipes, put it in the song"

"You deliberately learned to play, just for that song?"

"Yeah. I actually got contacted by Cambridge Folk Festival and I'm playing next year. They think I can add something to it"

"That's so cool! Well times up, it was great having you here, Liz!" Amber said, turning the camera off.

"Hey, thanks for doing that! If my video gets the most views on YouTube then I get a raise!" Squealed Amber.

"It's okay, but I've really gotta go, so, I guess I'll see you later?"


I walked out of the tent and back to the bus. I walked into the bus and saw Denis and Ben making out roughly, so I walked back out and climbed back up onto the roof.

James was sitting there, earphones in, staring at the setting sun.

I tapped his shoulder and made him jump, pulling out an earphone and laughing.

"Hey, how was the interview?" He asked.

"Actually not that awful to be honest" I replied sitting down next to him and laying my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer.

"It's cold" I said quietly, sniffling.

"No, it's not. Is this an 'emotional shift of crap' thing?"

"Quite possibly. A lot of shit has happened recently"

"Agreed. You know, come to think of it, it is kinda cold"

"Is it?"

"Or maybe it's just you"

"Hmm" I buried my head into his neck, the smell of lemon and black pepper attacking my sinuses. "Hey, is that my fucking shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and soap?" I demanded.

"Maybe? Who TF has a full set?"

"Me! I like smelling the same! My deodorant is the same"

"It smells good, okay! Fuck off"


"You know what we should do?"

"No idea"

"Go get our hair dyed, and maybe a new tattoo"

"Oh my god, yes"




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