Chapter nineteen

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Liz's PoV

Kellin stumbled into the kitchen, looking dazed.

"Morning, sunshine. Your arse looks great in those jeans" I remarked, causing Alex to snort into his coffee and Jaime to choke on air. Kellin blushed and I winked at him, trying to provoke a reaction.

Vic was totally stoic the whole time, as if he was trying not to react, while everyone else was laughing or choking, at least smiling, setting my thought process off.

What if he likes Kellin? Quite possible, after all, they collaborated.

I grabbed Jaime by the collar and dragged him out of the room and into the bathroom.

"What the fuck, Liz?" He asked incredulously.

"We need to watch Vic and Kellin. I ship it and I need any proof I can get"

"Okay then, I'll do it. Do we get the others in on it too?"

"Yes. You tell Mike, I'll tell Tony. Operation kellic is a go"

I walked out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen with a stupid grin on my face.

Zack walked in, his hair a mess and face slightly smooshed.

He was followed by Gerard, frank and Mikey, along with Ray, soon after.

"So, Gerard, how are lin'z and bandit?" I asked.

"They're okay, bandit is really cute! She is really into music which is good, especially Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil! Hey, Kellin, don't you have a kid?"

"Yeah, Copeland, Ugh, I miss her. And katelynn. Copeland is three now!"

"I haven't seen her in ages, we should have a family meet-up! In England! Oh, that would be amazing!" Squealed Vic.

"Yes! All the parents could go out In the evening and I will babysit, I don't drink" I suggested.

"Yes! everyone, text your other halves" frank squealed.

Everyone pulled out their phones, including me.

To: biersack, ashes, jakey, jinxx

Yo, me and the boys had a great idea. We all get our families together in London and celebrate the fact that we are all together and stuff. You are the only fam I've got, do you feel like coming? Bring Xavi

Biersack: sure, sounds good! Get a date and we'll be there

Ashes: YAY LONDON!!!

I put my phone away to hear giggling coming from Kellin.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Copeland! I'm facetiming her. Come and say hi!"

I walked over and waved to the camera on kellins phone.

"Hi, sweetie!" I cooed.

"Copeland, this is daddy's friend, Liz. Say hi!" Kellin introduced.

"Hi lizzy! Is My daddy being good?"

"Yep, I'm taking good care of him" I said, winking at the camera.

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