Chapter five

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Liz's POV

We were taken to an office by the nurse who had called me and Andy. We gestured to a sofa, signalling that we should sit dow. He sat on the other side of the desk and took a sip of water.

"I ready don't know how to tell you this so I'm going to give it to you straight. Your friend has passed away. I'm really sorry"

I felt grief and pain stab through my heart, causing my throat to tighten and my body to ache.

I nodded, knowing that if I spoke, I would start crying. The Nurse started saying how we managed to help him before and stuff but I ignored it and poker faced my way through the meeting.

"I'm really sorry for your loss. Please, you are free to go. Mourn with your friends and family" said the nurse.

Me and Andy returned to the van outside, hopped in and drove home. We arrived home and sat on the sofa, allowing realisation to wash over us. Andy let out a sob and tears started flooding down his cheeks. He curled into a ball and continued to wail. I pulled him into a hug, nestling my face into his neck for comfort. I dropped my facade and started to sob loudly. Fifteen minutes later, Jake walked in and saw in crying.

"What happened? Why were you so long? Where's Eli?"

"Eli-he, we got atta-attacked! They k-killed hi-him and he-he's gone now" I cried into Andy's shoulder. Jake walked over to us and joined in the hug, crying with us. Soon, the others joined us and we stayed like this, crying, for hours.

I stopped crying first, calming down to the point where I could speak.

"You guys, at-at least he is where he wanted to be" I said, causing Andy to let out a wail.

"Y-you're right. We need to calm down" CC said, pulling out of the hug. Ashley did the same and wiped his face with a handkerchief from his pocket.

Me and CC went into the kitchen to make some tea.

"Well, that fucking sucked. I really don't want to be in England anymore" CC said, putting the kettle on.

"Yep. I know that feeling. Maybe we should suggest to the boys that we move back to America?"

"Good idea, have you ever been?"

"No, actually I haven't"

"That does it"

Me and CC made the tea in silence before carrying it out to the others.

"So, maybe we should move back to America? We could stay in our own apartments until we sell this place and buy a house over there?" CC suggested.

"That's actually not a bad idea, I think we should do it. When?" Andy said.

"As soon as possible. We've all got stuff over there, it won't take long to prep"

"True. Liz, you would have to live with Ash, he is your legal guardian" Jinxx said. I nodded at him, taking a sip of my tea.

"That sounds like a great idea, I'll book plane tickets" Jake said, walking over to the desktop computer in the corner.

Fifteen minutes later, he was about to pay for the tickets.

"Right, guys, there's six plane tickets to LA in three days, they leave at six pm"

"Yep, good time. Book it. We can get a taxi to my place and we can stay there for the night, it's closer to the airport, and the biggest. Then we can split off from there" Jake said. Everyone murmured approval and the flight was booked.

I ran upstairs to start packing and had crammed most of my stuff into a suitcase. The rest I would need before we moved.

Legit shortest chapter ever. I usually try to keep them at around 1000 words, I feel like that's a nice size. Anyway, ttyl!

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