Chapter twenty one

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Liz's PoV

We woke up the next morning (to find Tony in bed next to me, he had got up to go to the bathroom in the dark and forgot which bed was his. As you can imagine, I nearly shit myself) and drove to Oli's house.

I parked the car and got out to see Hannah, storming out the house with a box in her hands.

I walked into the house with Tony on my heels.

Oli was curled up on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees. Massive sobs wracked his whole body as he weeped into the carpet.

I ran over and kneeled next to him.

"Hey, what happened babes? You can tell me" I said, pulling the crying figure into my lap. Oli snuggled into my chest and continued to cry.

He stayed silent for about half an hour before he decided to tell me what happened.

"Hannah, she-she left me! She s-said she doesn't love me and that I need to mo-move on"

"Aww, honey, don't worry! She didn't deserve you either way, okay! You've still got me, the band, josh..."

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I missed you, you know? I'm glad you got adopted though"

"Come on, we are going out" I said, standing up and dragging Oli behind me. Tony followed, looking mildly confused.

"Oli, this is Tony. Tony, Oli. I'm touring with Tony and his band, along with a few others at the minute"

Tony jumped in shotgun and Oli in the back and I drove off.

I parked the car an hour later in a field. It was full of flowers and long grass, with a stream running down the end.

I jumped out of the car and grabbed mine and Tony's acoustic guitars, along with a picnic blanket and some food I bought this morning.

Me and the boys set up the picnic in the sun, surrounded by flowers.

I had my guitar and strummed along the strings, tuning it.

"I heard that you've been
Self-medicating in the quiet of your room,
Your sweet, suburban tomb.
And if you need a friend,
I'll help you stitch up your wounds.

I heard that you've been
Having some trouble finding your place in the world.
I know how much that hurts,
But if you need a friend
Then please just say the word...

You've come this far,
You're all cleaned up,
You've made a mess again,
There's no more trying,
Time to sort yourself out...

Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you.

I heard that you've been
Having some trouble finding your place in the world.
I know how much that hurts,
And if you need a friend
Then please just say the word...

You've come this far,
You're all cleaned up,
You've made a mess again,
There's no more trying,
Time to sort yourself out...

Hold on tight,
This ride is a wild one,
Make no mistake,
The day will come when you can't cover up what you've done,
Now don't lose your fight, kid,
It only takes a little push to pull on through,
With so much left to do;
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you.

Eyeliner and war paint (adopted by black veil brides)Where stories live. Discover now