Chapter eight

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Liz's POV

I was sitting on the sofa two days later, tuning my guitar, when Andy walked through and sat next to me.

"We need to talk" he said, striking fear into my heart.

"Um, alright then. What's up?"

"Well, we need to talk about your inheritance"

"Wait, is there something I don't know? Should I be worried about Ash?"

"No! No, of course not. I mean from your parents. They had a lot of secrets from you. They asked me to tell you when I think you're old enough. They were enormously famous musicians. They were extremely rich and they had a house here, in America. They invested in a load of flats to pay the bills until I could give the house to you. They also had about three cars, a tour bus and £250,000,000. That's just the big stuff. They had a load of instruments too. Oh, and the library!" exclaimed Andy.

"Jesus, fucking, Christ" I said slowly. "Are you sure?"

"Yep! We're going to see it tomorrow. I've made sure that everything is in the same condition as it was when your parents passed. You'll love the house, your parents designed a room for you, in preparation for tomorrow. Also, there's something else you should know about but you'll find out tomorrow. Anyway, I'll help you practice if you like, me and Ash are bored"

"Nice! I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm alright practicing solo for now, there's some stuff I want to sort out in my head and I need peace for that. Thanks though"

"Alright. Was that Xavier?" Andy asked as the baby started to cry from Ash's room.

"Yeah, I think so. I'll go to my room and practice so I don't disturb you" I said, picking up my guitar and walking through to my bedroom.

I sat down on my bed and considered what Andy had just said.

'Do I really own all that? Will I be able to go without missing my parents? Go and talk to Andy'

"Hey, Andy!" I said as I walked out of my bedroom again. "Are the others coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I think they are. Could you watch Xavier for a minute while I find Ash?"

I nodded and picked up Xavier.

I put my knees up and rested her on them, leaving my hands free. I tickled her belly, making her squirm a bit.

Xavier quickly fell asleep, leaving me alone. Never a good place to be. I plugged my headphones in, shutting out the sound of Ashley laughing from the bedroom. Andy came out of the bedroom half an hour later, looking dishevelled and blushing. Andy followed and they ran into the kitchen in shame.

I picked Xavier up and carried her to the kitchen. They were making out on the counter as i walked in.

"Nice to know that you had sex while I looked after your child" I said sarcastically.

Ash winked at me while Andy blushed and tried to hide his face.

"Anyway, it's late as fuck and I'm exhausted. See you tomorrow" I said, going to bed.

The next morning, I was awoken by Ashley, running into my room and jumping on my bed right next to me.

"Wake the Fück up, we're going to see your house!" He yelled.

"Christ on a bike, can I please get dressed first?"

"Of course!" Ashley sang as he left the room.

I leaped up, slapped some clothes on and ran into the living room. I made coffee and grabbed an apple for breakfast before helping Andy pack Xavier's stuff.

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